You know you've hit rock bottom when

you're too depressed to get out of bed

but anxiety tells you that if you don't you'll loose all your friends

depression makes you too sad to even want to do homework

but anxiety tells you if you don't you'll fail

depression makes you not want to go to work

anxiety tells you if you don't you'll be broke and become more of a failure than you already are

In your mind... Depression fights anxiety.

Anxiety fights depression.

No one wins

No one looses

There's no winning

Never was

Never will be 

Life becomes a joke

You walk the streets at night eventually so you don't have to deal with seeing the same 4 walls

you walk the streets at night because it provids a sense of comfort 

that anything anyone does to harm you won't be nearly as bad as whar you do to yourself

drugs become a way of life

vodka replaces water

the streets replace sleep

giving yourself to people because you want to feel something

because you feel empty







anything you do can't make it so you feel

so you can fill that whole of numbness

the numbness where your heart has been ripped out of your still breathing body

these are the special people 

we tend to group together for some sort of comfort 

no one knows

no one understands 

the counselor last weak talking to the girl who tried killing herself asking

have you tried being happy?

as if she had a choice

you really think if she had a choice to be happy she'd choose depression

as if anyone has a choice..

Depressed and brokenWhere stories live. Discover now