Chapter 3:Home-Laura.

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Dear Diary.

I can't believe it! Out of all people, me. Connor Franta asked me out. I'm happy and annoyed at the same time. I mean, didn't he get a hint in science, but then again, he is Connor Franta!

I'm so mixed up, but I won't let anyone see. I'll be nice on the date, but not too nice. I don't want it to be obvious I like him.

Why do I like him? I don't want to, but there's just something about them green eyes and that light brown hair.

I need to go now, my phone's beeping.

Laura xo.

Laura walked over to the bed, where her phone was sitting. She saw a text from an unknown number, it read;

"Hey, it's Connor, Dannielle gave me your number. Her and Kian are meeting in Clarehall at seven, I'm going to. Hope to see you there, Connor xx."

Laura re-read this text numerous times, what could she say in reply, she wondered. She eventually decided to text back,

"Sorry about not texting you, I was busy. I'll meet yous in KFC tonight. Can't wait, should be good. Laura."

It took her a while to decide wheather to send x's or not, but she decided against it, as she didn't want to give Connor the wrong idea.

Laura spent a while deciding what to wear, though she eventually decided to go with just denim jeans and a black tank top. She wore a bit of makeup, just enough to make her look slightly less pale. She also put on a bit of skin coloured eye shadow and mascara, this kind of makeup went nice with her bright blue eyes. She styled her light brown hair so it fell in waves just above her elbow, this kind of style complimented her round face.

She spent a lot of time looking in the mirror, rehearsing what she would say, and just thinking about what would happen tonight.

At half seven she grabbed her phone, house keys and her black and red hoodie. It was time to leave.

"Where are you off to?" asked her mam.

"Going out," she replied.


"Mam, I'm seventeen!"

"Where are you going?" repeated her mam.

"I'm going Clarehall with Dannielle. I'll be home around half eleven."

"Alright, that was all I needed to know!" said her mam, "Have a good time."

"Thanks," replied Laura, as she left the house.

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