Yes, my brain was drained again. I can't even think for a good plot for my update. And I can't even think properly what would be the right words will be used~! And I think my grammar also sucks... T.T
Sheesh... I've used too much brain cells last Sunday and yesterday~ I don't know why but I really feel weak... (And all I've wanted to do was to sleep and sleep and sleep...)
Oh well... *sighs* *thinking for some words to say* yeah, yeah... *speechless*
Hope you'll like this update, chingus~
Additional Note: Reader-chan's is a college student in this fic. If you're not a student anymore or you've already graduated (like me~!), then you must pretend that you were still a student. Okay~? Good...
".... so what was the other name for a genetic abnormality called Trisomy 21?" Suho asked you again for the second time — maybe with an imaginary pissed off vein popping out his temple.
"A-Amm... Down Syndrome...?" you answered unsurely — afraid of his punishment.
(A/N: WAAAH~ Sorry for the topic of your this convo, chingus~ Author-ssi's being a geek this time~ *insert 90° bow*)
"Good. Now, what do you called the syndrome found only in males and usually patient has XXXY chromosomes?"
"J-Jamkkanman... I think I know this... W-Wait..."
"I'm waiting, ____ [y/n]-ah~"
"Sh1t! I-Is it... amm... Turner's syndrome?"
"Pa-bo. It's Klinefelter's syndrome."
"Heck! That's what my mind was telling me..."
Three days before the exam, you're acting like a diligent student who's reading notes and studying for the upcoming examination. And because you're afraid of your parents' wrath and disappointments, you immediately seeked help from your bestfriend, Suho, who's quite famous for being a genius.
Lucky for you, he accepted your offer but unfortunately, he's a scary tutor and disciplinarian. And he's really doing his best to tighten up your loosened screws in your brain. Maybe anytime right now, you'll be diagnosed for having a damaged brain because of this intense reviewing.
"Yah~! Kim Junmyeon-seonsaengnim, can we take a break for the meantime? I think I'm experiencing brain stress because of these terminologies I've seen..." you asked, giving the guy your cutest pout.
After hearing those words, he immediately gave you a fierce look that gives you a certain chill in your spine. But that doesn't stops you to asked him a bit of "freedom". You even pouted more and gave him a cute puppy eyes.
"Pretty please~?" you asked again.
"Geez... you know that I can't resist that puppy eyes of yours, ____ [y/n]-ah. Okay, we'll take a 20-minute break, for your brain's sake." he answered — finally giving up on your pleads.
"YAY~!! THANKS, BESTIE~!!" you shouted while giving him a bear hug.
And you can see a smile on his handsome face.
- TIMESKIPPUH by Author-ssi~ ☆-
It was 2:17 in the early morning. You and Suho has finally stopped from studying. And because it was now very late, you've decided to let him stay in your apartment for it's kinda risky if he'll go home this late. You even let him borrow your brother's clothes for him to use.
And right now, both of you were now prepared to sleep. But before you could turn off the lights, you heard Suho's voice.
"____ [y/n]-ah~" he called.
"Y-Yeah...?" you answered.
"Amm... before you turn off the lights, can I have a favor to ask?"
"O-Okay. What is it, Junmyeon?"
Silence begins to invade your room after saying those words. And because of the tingling silence, you can even hear your own heartbeats beating faster because of nervousness. Well, you were trying your best to calm your nerves down.
But you eventually travelled back to the real world when you've felt a warm and soft sensation on your lips. Your eyes grew bigger when you've finallt noticed that Suho, your 'bestiest' bestfriend, was kissing you on your lips — claiming your first kiss, for somebody's sake!
You were about to kiss him back but you've felt his lips being separated from yours. Shock was still written on your face but you can see happiness on his face. And he was smiling like an idiot — which was cute, of course~!
"Well... ____ [y/n]-ah, if I'LL pass our exams, can I have you as my rewards? I mean, I would like you to be my girlfriend and my forever if I'LL pass~" he said, confidently.
You just nodded as an answer. But suddenly, those words just hit your mind and immediately realized what he just said.
'Geez... such a wise favor you've offered, Kim Junmyeon. You're really a genius, you jerk~ It'll be a miracle if he'll fail on our exams~' your mind stated in amusement.
He's very wise — REALLY WISE...
Gosh... I want to be like Reader-chan~ I wanna have a tutor~ *pouts* *le craiz in ze corner of ze room*
~ ☆ YANNI LEE ☆ ~
(150811 — 10:32 am)

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
RomanceA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.