Annabeth POV

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A deal, seriously?

The phone rang this morning, Annabeth looked at the caller and sighed rolling her eyes 'Percy the idiot' "hello? What do you want Jackson" She sighed impatiently

"How many times do I have to say it wise girl? You!" The annoying voice answered

"Make it quick Jackson I don't have all day"

"Fine, look outside your window" he said before hanging up

Annabeth sighed again poking her head out, her view was amazing, it was facing the wide blue sea, everyday she could hear the waves crashing onto the shore. Only... Instead of seeing her normal view...

She saw Percy Jackson

"What the heck!" She literally shouted "How the hell did you find me?!"

The green eyed boy just laughed "I live three blocks away from you wise girl!" Annabeth mentally face palmed, great now she had a stalker that will stalk her 24/7

"What do you want Jerk face" she exclaimed

He frowned slightly "Don't call me that! And come down!"

Annabeth sighed to herself going downstairs "Now what"

"You know how you said you'll date me if I earn your trust?"

"Never said that" she crossed her arms and stared at him

"Whatever, well let's make a deal, if I don't date anyone till the end of the year, you'll be my date at the end of year prom" he grinned at himself like he's proud of thinking of such a genius plan

"That doesn't mean I'll be your girlfriend though" she commented

"Don't worry, by then you would've fallen in love with me" Percy winked mischievously

"Yah right, and if I don't?"

"Then... I'll stop bugging you?" He looked uncertain

Annabeth thought about it before nodding "Deal"
So sorry for short chapter! Hope you guys are enjoying 😊 ~S

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