Annabeth POV

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Annabeth watched as Percy skipped off, humming happily. What on earth has she got herself into... She sighed softly walking back into the house, only to find her phone ringing endlessly "Hello?"

"Hey Annie! It's me Piper! How 'bout we hit the beach this afternoon? Since it's the weekends! Plus I heard you live right next to one" Piper chirped happily

She smiled "Sounds great! And don't call me Annie"

"Cool! See you there! Oh and I'm bringing some friends over too if that's ok"

"Yah, that's fine! Bye!" Annabeth hung up and fell to her bed smiling
"Hey! Annabeth!" Piper waved a huge grin on her face

"Hi Piper" Annabeth smiled, behind Piper were four girls and one dark looking boy "Aren't you going to introduce me?" She joked

"Oh right! Annabeth, meet Katie, Miranda, calypso, Hazel, and her brother Nico" she chirped pointing them out

"Hi!" They said in unison, except for Nico, who gave her a curt nod "Who wants smoothies!" Hazel cried running off, all of them except for Annabeth and  Katie ran after her.

"Hey! I'm Katie by the way" she chuckled

Annabeth laughed "Yah I know, hey aren't you in my English class?" She tilted her head

"Oh yah! Mrs Hart-" she stopped mid sentence "Oh my god..." She murmured  staring

"What?" She turned to where Katie was staring like she's seen a ghost, Annabeth felt like she might kill herself at the sight she's seeing. Standing by the shore, each holding a surfboard.

Was Percy freaking Jackson and his friends

"What the hell is he doing here" Annabeth muttered angrily

"Hey! What's wrong? You look like you might snap someone in half" a voice made her turn around. Piper.

"Oh nothing it's just that dam Percy Jackson is here" she shrugged (a/n see what I did :p)

Piper squealed "Woooo Katie! It's Travis!" She teased

Katie turned beet red "wait you have a crush on Travis?" Annabeth exclaimed "He's a player!"

"He seems nice..." But before she can finish her sentence, a wolf whistle sounded behind them

"Hey Katie!" It was Travis, he had a huge grin and was waving at Katie like if she doesn't say hi back he'll die

"Hey! Beauty queen!" Another voice

"Seriously grace? I told you not to call me that!" Piper flustered

"Wise girl!" Oh no... Anyone but him, Annabeth crossed her arms and turned around

"Hi Jackson"

"How about you and I go for a surf, that is, if you know how to" he winked slyly

"Why would I want to surf with an idiot like you" she laughed a hallow laugh

"If  you fall I get to kiss you, if I fall, I don't"

"Another deal? Honestly I think that's all you can do, make up deals" Annabeth smiled "But fine, it's on"
Annabeth surfed between the waves, Percy in front of her, she looked behind her once in a while to check for huge waves. She grinned as a huge wave came coming towards them, she swerved in front of Percy and smirked "Bye!" Before surfing to shore. Annabeth laughed as she watched the wave crash onto Percy.

"Not funny wise girl" an angry Percy stomped out of the water

"Whatever seaweed brain, you saw it coming" she continued laughing

"Seaweed brain? What type of nickname is that?"

Annabeth pointed to his head "there's seaweed on your head" she snorted

"Not funny" he pouted "and don't call me seaweed brain"

"Whatever you say seaweed brain"
Omg so sorry for such a confusing chapter XD whoops ~S

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