Coffee at Midnight

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Raymond was extremely worried about Rachael's wellbeing. He needed to know she was alright and alive. After all, it was his idea they separated, and even now, Raymond felt as if he made a grave mistake. Raymond finally came to his senses and decided it would be best to rejoin with his partner.
"Rachael, come in. This is Raymond. Do you read me? Hello? Rachael?" No response.
"Alright something isn't right here," Raymond said to himself. Right after Jill and Parker exited the communications room, Raymond asked if Jill had seen his partner, Rachael. But as expected, Jill had no information that could be of his use. He handed Jill an (anchor?) key and decided to go look for Rachael on his own after Jill and Parker left his current position.
He couldn't look for Rachael with Jill and Parker. It would simply mess up the plans instructed for him, and that, he could not have. He just couldn't deal with anymore more distractions. Dealing with the Oozes were bad enough but hey, it's all part of the job, right? The question is is it worth it?
He couldn't stand not knowing what happened to Rachael. It would've bugged him, most likely distracted him, and gotten him off track. Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, Rachael, I'll find you," and set on to his side journey.
As he was roaming the halls, he was thinking about how quickly Rachel was to refuse the mission. She kept saying how she had a "bad feeling" about the mission.
'If only I didn't convince you to take on the mission, you would probably be safe at Head Quarters. Rachael, Please be okay.' With all these negative thoughts swarming around Raymonds' mind, he slowly allowed his rage to consume him.
"Damn it!", Raymond shouted while slamming the side of his fist on a near by wall. "We should've stuck together. This is all my fault," He faintly whispered. (You see, part of why this is such a big problem for him is because he was actually really close with Rachael. Raymond can make an easy acquaintance, no problem, but making a friend or even a love interest is more than Raymond could ever imagine. Raymond is all about the job. But, occasionally, Raymond would get careless and overwork himself. He would sometimes stay overnight at HQ and go over the procedures over and over again until every single detail was engraved in his memory. Rachael began to notice this pattern of Raymonds' so she began to surprise him with coffee. Raymond and Rachael know it's not that much but for someone to even try to cooperate with Raymond, now that takes some serious guts. Believe it or not, Rachael began to get some "hard to explain" feelings for Raymond. Of course, Raymond wasn't completely unaware, for he has the same feelings for Rachael. Which is why he is so concerned about her. He wants her to be alive. He wants her to surprise him with coffee again. He wants to see those beautiful eyes' of hers. He wants her to be safe.)
At that moment, he heard what sounded like a women chuckling. "Huhuuhahha... Found you..." Raymond was frantically darting his eyes everywhere while turning his head and aiming his gun in every single direction.
"Hello!? Rachael..? Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt?" Raymond asked a little louder than intended. Raymond started power-walking towards the direction where the voice come from. Just as Raymond was about to go around the corner, he noticed that there was an Ooze awaiting his arrival. As soon as Raymond was about to take down the B.O.W., he heard rumbling noises coming from the air ducts. Slowly, what looked like a female Ooze crawls sloppily out of the air ducts. Only to reveal that it was Rachael.
"Hahahehaa.. There you are..." said the B.O.W.. Rachael started staggering towards Raymond and he lifted up his gun but hesitated to shoot.
"Don't make me do this Rachael. Please. I don't want to hurt you," Raymond said while aiming the gun at Rachael. The monster that used to be Rachael didn't even heed Raymond's pleads. It just got closer and quicker than what Raymond had hoped for. Raymond didn't wanted to do any serious damage to the Ooze considering it used to be his beloved friend but if he didn't take action soon, it might cost him his life. Rachael let out a horrified scream as she took a full charge leap towards Raymond. Raymond had no choice but to fire his weapon. So he did. The bullet went into Rachaels' shoulder which didn't do much damage but it stopped her momentarily in her place. She tried walking towards Raymond again, but this time Raymond fired a bullet into Rachael's leg. Rachael fell to the ground with a loud thud that seemed to rock the whole ship. She got back up on her feet but this time, she didn't try to fight Raymond. She cried out "It hurtssss!" as she limped towards the air ducts and successfully got away. Raymond was at a loss for words. His only friend turned into a damn B.O.W.! All because he thought they would cover more ground if they separated.
"I'm so fucking stupid! I should've known that was a terrible idea! Fuck!" Raymond practically shouted at himself. Raymond couldn't bare to see Rachael again, considering the current state he was in, so he ran to find a room to rest in and get all of his thoughts together. As soon as Raymond shuts the door behind himself, he falls to his knees. He's breathing heavy, his throat is swollen and his hands balled up in fists. Raymond hasn't cried for what seems like an eternity. Not since he was little, so it's almost as if he doesn't remember how. But as soon as he allows himself to release all of his negative feelings, steamy hot tears began to roll down his face slowly and quietly. It's all his fault and he'll never forgive himself. If only he had gotten to her sooner. He could've protected her. He should've--
Raymond suddenly jerked up his head to focus all of his attention to the door but when doing so he realizes he was still crying so he wipes always his tears with his hands. After that, he got back up on his feet, grabbed his gun and got into position incase it was an enemy banging on the door.
"Who's there?", Raymond shouted. He cautiously took a couple steps closer to the door. He was hoping it was an Ooze or a hunter. As long as it wasn't Rachael, he didn't care. As soon as he got close enough, he kicked the door open and aimed his weapon down an empty hallway. "What...?" Raymond questioned. He started walking down the hall a little farther until he heard a voice. "Found you..." Raymond's body twitched and a cold sweat ran down his spine. "R-Rachael.." He said sadly. He turned around to fine Rachael awaiting his approach. He studied her as she did him. Neither of them moved. They just observed each other. Now something was definitely off. Rachael; a B.O.W., should've tried something already. "I don't understand..." Raymond said to Rachael. Rachael looked down to the floorboards and slowly slouched down to the ground. "It hurts..., Raymond. It hurts." Rachael whimpered. Wait a damn minute. Could it be? Does this B.O.W. remember Raymond? Is it even possible? Despite the fact that Rachael could probably infect or even kill Raymond if he lets his guard down doesn't stop him from doing so. Raymond lowered his weapon and walked towards Rachael. She looked so pained from Raymond's perspective and he didn't know what to do. He got to his knees so he could see his friends' face. Turns out she was crying. Poor thing had every right to do so. I mean today just wasn't her day. He reached out to wipe her tears away with his hands. He brushed her hair aside and noticed she was missing an eye. Probably do from being attached from the monsters. Wait, so Rachael has human emotions? She's infected and she's even mutated but yet she's still human. Raymond grabbed Rachael's head in the palm of his hands. "You remember me, don't you? Your remember us, the mission, the coffee you would bring me when I overworked myself? Please tell me you remember," Raymond practically pleaded. Rachael just stared into Raymond's eyes for what seemed like an eternity until she wrapped her arms tightly around him while sobbing. Raymond was stunned by Rachael's sudden actions, he could practically feel the heat rise to his cheeks and his pulse quicken. He didn't know what to do. Should he comfort her or kill her? Is she a friend or a foe? He found himself returning the gesture naturally by wrapping his arms tightly around her. Rachael started to loosen her grip and before he knew it, Rachael was kissing him. It was different from any other kiss he had ever received before. This kiss felt a cold, yet comforting. The sensation was pleasurable enough to spread a sly smile across his face. As time drew by, the kiss grew more tender and things were getting pretty heated. What the fuck was he doing? He couldn't believe that he was kissing a B.O.W. I mean, it was Rachael so he didn't really care. He broke the kiss for a brief moment so that he could get a better glimpse at her, but he failed doing so when Rachael quickly pulled him in for another kiss.

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