K.S.P. - Sterek Fan Fiction - Chapter 3

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You can’t always be sad over the little disappointments life throws at you. You also shouldn’t hide when life gets a little bit scary, because the truth is life will always be like that. The only thing you can do is adapt, change and grow stronger. It might be sad or scary or sad and scary but you can look at life from a different point of view. A view where everything becomes a little better and when life gives you something good make sure you celebrate.

Stiles lied down on his bed for a while after putting on shirt and boxers. He looked at his phone to look at his messages. He opened one message from Scott. “Congratulations dude! Cant have beer later but coffee instead?” Stiles smiled, until he remembered Derek. Then he rolled around his bed because he cant understand his feelings anymore. Stiles dozed off with Derek running through his mind.

Stiles is woken up the buzz from his phone. Scott is calling him. “Hey Scott.” Stiles greeted lazily.

“Dude, where are you?” Scott asked curiously.

“I’m home. I kind of dozed of a little.” Replied Stiles as he moved to sit down.

“Go get dressed and pick me up.” Replied Scott.

“Ugh. Dude I don’t think that’s a good idea. Can we just meet at the café?” Stiles said as he scratches him tummy.

“Why not?” Scott getting confused.

“Im kinda avoiding Derek.” Stiles answered as he went down to the kitchen.

“Ooops.” Scott answered.

“Ooops? What does ooops mean Scott? What did you do?” Stiles panicked.

“Hey dude calm down. I thought you two were okay given the situation this morning, so I invited him to dinner. Well technically your dad invited him, I’m just the one who asked Derek.” Explained Scott.

“You two did what!” exclaimed Stiles.

“Dude calm down. I’m sorry okay.” Scott starting to panic.

“Oh God! Kill me now!” Stiles getting fidgety. “Fine. I’m going to change then I’ll pick you up.” Stiles ended the call. “So much for my wonderful night.” As he prepare for a very awkward evening. He put on some shirt then a jacket. He then drove all the way to the station.

In the parking lot. “I’m here.” He sent Scott a message. Then a few minutes later came out his dad, Scott and Derek.

“Hey son. I’ll head to the restaurant first.” His dad said as he walk over his car.

Then Scott entered the jeep and sat at the passenger sit. “Hey, you alright?” asked Scott.

“I don’t know. I’m just confused right now. Sorry for being crazy over the phone.” answered Stiles.

“Don’t worry about it. I know you can be crazy sometimes.” Scott starting to laugh. Then he looked outside to Derek whose making his way to his car.

“Hey Derek! See you there.” Shouted Scott gesturing that the way to the restaurant. Then Stiles started the car and drived.

“When did the two of you become buddies?” Stiles asked who seemed a bit annoyed.

“Its just a casual co-worker thing. Don’t be jealous.” Teased Scott.

“Me? Jealous? Haha!” tensed reply from Stiles.

“So are we hating Derek? Can you catch me up on that one?”asked Scott.

“No we aren’t hating him. Well, I don’t know. But you shouldn’t, especially when he is your colleague.” Answered Stiles.

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