K.S.P. - Sterek Fan Fiction - Chapter 7

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Clarity. One may find it difficult to have. A clear thought. A clear intention. A clear feeling. A clear plan. We may have second thoughts about everything, especially when we are about to make a decision. Although, when you think about it, no choice is wrong when you can bear with the consequences of it.

Stiles unconsciously went to the woods and saw Laura having her morning jog. "Hey!" Stiles greeted her.

 "Hey! So I presume something's bugging you." Laura greeted back.

 "Yeah. Something like that." Stiles catching up to Laura.

 "So what is it?" Laura asked still running.

 "Can we stop for a moment?" Stiles said while catching his breath.

 "Oh sorry ‘bout that." Laura slowly stopped from running. "So do you want to talk about it elsewhere?" Laura suggested.

 "Yeah, I'd like that. Let's have coffee?" Stiles agreed. They went to Stiles’ favourite cafe.

 "Hmmm. cosy." Laura muttered.

 "My thoughts exactly." Stiles grinned to Laura.

 They both ordered at the counter then sat outside the cafe for a better ambiance.

 "So tell me. Is this about the guy you like?" Laura started right after seating down.

 "Yeah." Stiles scratched his head then looked down to his coffee. "He kind of asked me out to watch a movie." he added while putting chocolate and milk on his coffee.

 "Isn't that a good thing?" Laura getting confused.

 "Well, yeah but there's this other guy who makes me smile. It's not the same feeling that Derek gives me. This guy makes me just surprisingly comfortable and happy. While Derek makes my heart beats a little faster and I can't focus around him." Stiles explained.

 "Oh that's fast, a love triangle, already?" Laura commented. "Just relax Stiles. Go with the flow. No need to over think about it. Enjoy the feeling. Go out with him, and still enjoy the other guy's company." Laura advised.

 “You’re right. I’m just over thinking about it.” Stiles agreed with Laura. “So, how about you?”

 “What about me?” Laura asked back.

 “Are you seeing someone?” Stiles asked.

 “Well, not at the moment. I’m still settling down to since I came back from my vacation.” Laura answered.

 “That sounds familiar.” Stiles commented. “Where did I hear that line before?” Stiles tried hard to remember.

 “You must be imagining it.” Laura answered then took a sip of her coffee.

 “Maybe.” Stiles smiled then took a sip of his coffee. “So do you have any plans for today? Stiles continued.

 “Nah. I don’t really have much friends.” Laura replied while poking her cake.

 “Would you like to come over for lunch?” Stiles excitedly invited Laura.

 “Of course!“ Laura happily accepted.

 “Alright. Can I have your number so I can give you instructions later?” Stiles took out his mobile phone and let Laura dialled her number.

 “See you later then.” Laura said goodbye then head back home.

 Stiles went to the market to get some supplies and then head back home. He sent Scott a message, “Hey Scott, can you come over and help me prepare lunch?”

 “Sure dude. I’ll just finish my last report then I’ll go over there.” Scott replied.

 Scott is surprisingly good at cooking. He’s the one preparing the food for some occasions and some family gatherings. Scott and Stiles’ family are close and most of the times spend some time together.

Stiles prepared the kitchen while waiting for Scott. He thought that Scott would take a while so he decided to take a quick shower. On his way to the bathroom he saw Derek’s leather jacket and remembered their date tomorrow. “I should return this him tomorrow.” Then he smelled the jacket, he smiled and thought “This is the scent I’m not gonna get tired of.” Then he head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. While rubbing soap all over his body, Derek came into his mind. The great smell, nice eyes, his gorgeous lips, fit body and the hair all over his face, this managed to get him hard. He just realized that he had an erection over Derek Hale. “Oh my God! I’m fantasizing about him, this is not good!” Stiles quickly washed the soap on his body and hoped the cold water will stop the crazy thoughts in his mind. He was startled when he heard Scott shouted from downstairs. 

“I’m in the bathroom! I’m gonna come out in a sec!” Stiles shouted back. He quickly ran back to his room to get some clothes. He put on some shorts then brought his shirt downstairs. He had no idea Isaac came with Scott.

“Hey dude! Put some shirt on.” Scott greeted Stiles.

Stiles quickly put on his shirt and looked at Isaac who is smiling at him. “Hey!” Stiles muttered to Isaac while blushing.

“Yow!” Isaac replied trying not to make Stiles uncomfortable, “So, what are we going to cook?” he continued.

“Isaac is a great cook too, so I thought it’s a great idea to tag him along. Besides, the more the merrier right.” Scott explained.

“I hope you don’t mind.” Isaac shyly interrupted.

“Of course not! You’re also my friend now, remember.” Stiles grinned to make Isaac feel comfortable.

Stiles just sat in the counter watching the two make lunch. He sent Laura the instructions to his house. A few minutes later, Laura came on her car. Stiles greeted her and introduced her to Scott and Isaac.

“Hey guys meet Laura. Laura, this is Scott and Isaac.” The two guys quickly reached out to Laura and gave her a warm welcome.

Laura and Stiles went to the dining table and the two watched the guys finish working on their lunch.

“So which one?” Laura asked.

“Which one is?” Stiles paused then realized she was talking about the other guy he likes. “Oh, him.” Stiles pointed Isaac trying not to get attention.

“Not bad.” Laura commented. “And he’s good in cooking, that’s new.” She added.

“Yeah, and he’s funny too.” Stiles saying it like it’s a bad thing.

“Oh come on, let’s just enjoy the lunch. Smile.” Laura trying to lighten Stiles’ mood.

“You’re right.” Stiles smiled.

“See, I’m always right.” Laura grinned.

Isaac and Scott finished preparing lunch. They served Caesar salad, California rolls and roasted chicken. Isaac put the plates while Scott cut the chicken.

“Wow. It’s actually surprising to see guys cooking. I’m not being a stereotype, but I rarely see guys cook, much more good at it.” Laura commented.

“I learned to cook when my dad left us, I had no choice.” Scott smiled.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Laura embarrassed.

“No worries.” Scott assured Laura.

 “So uhm, let’s eat!” Stiles trying to lighten up the mood.

 The four of them happily ate the delicious meal. Every now and then Laura catches Isaac smiling over Stiles’ direction. Scott does the same thing then looked to Laura then they both giggle like teenagers. Stiles don’t have any idea why the two giggle but Isaac seemed to catch up at the two.

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