Chapter 2

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"your name's Avery right" the blonde girl asked popping her gum with gusto. 

"Urmmm yeah" I answered back not really knowing who she was or what she was doing talking to someone like me. 

In her bubblegum pink bikini and oversized black sunglasses I guessed that she wasn't a visitor but must also live in Harwhich complex.

 "Right well my name's Brittany" she announced holding out her hand which was as tan as her and adorned with silver bracelets that jingled as she shook my hand.

 "Oh nice, which house do you live in then?" I asked 

 "13 Fairlawn Road, the real big one" she pointed over to it, without really needing to. I knew the one she was speaking about. 13 Fairlawn Road was the house with the oversized palm trees and ridiculous pink cabriolet positioned on the driveway that without question belonged to the pink princess herself.

 "Oh cool, I really like your car" I added hoping she wouldn't detect the sarcasm practically dripping from my mouth. 

 "that old thing." she scoffed popping her gum "you are going to Hilltop academy right?" 

 "yeah, I transfer there on monday"

 "Cool well see you around" and with that she walked off towards the neighborhood pool, her long blonde locks swinging in unison with her hips.


I brushed my hands over the expensive maroon skirt and blazer that was the compulsory uniform for Hilltop Academy. The rich maroon colour made me radiate, picking out the flecks of gold in my hair. It was amazing how a uniform that cost more made you look like you suddenly belonged. Picking up my school bag I sighed taking one last look in the mirror.

 "Avery breakfast!" my mother yelled from the kitchen. I trudged down the stairs into the large kitchen to find my mother pottering around as usual.

 "Oh Avery honey you look beautiful. That bag really sets the whole uniform off" she smiled cocking her head to the side.

Mumbling an agreement I sit myself at the table dreading the day ahead. 


"Now remember, be nice Avery. Don't let on too much about your old school" my mother instructed from the front seat of her brand new benz. The new car smell lingered in the air making me nauseous. 

 "...And please don't spend the whole day texting that silly girl Suzy Lynne. Make some new friends" 

I took in a deep breath as we pulled up to Hilltop Academy, A school hard to miss with the large structure lavish with turrets and stain glass windows. Students all in the same expensive maroon uniform milled about the perfect green grass, talking and laughing amongst one another. 

 "Come on guys let's go" my mother called to my brother and I as she parked the car and started up the narrow pathway to what looked like the reception of the school. 

"Oh my god Avery!" a loud voice squealed from across the hallway 

"I totally forgot you would be starting today" The infamous Brittany stated as she flipped her ever glossy hair.

"Yeah.." I said not quite wanting to bring any more attention to myself than Brittany already had.

Stepping closer to my mother Brittany stuck out her hand and introduced herself. 

 "Dont worry ma'am, I'll get Avery sorted today" 

 "Oh why thank you Brittany" my mum cooed as Brittany flashed her brilliant smile. 

Leading me by the elbow Brittany led me to the front desk to sort out my timetable. 

 "Dont worry" she whispered "I'll make sure you have the same classes as me"

The receptionist handed over the timetable and with it a brochure of the school, as if I didn't have enough of those lying around my room. 

 "English first" Brittany moaned 

 "Oh I love english" I smiled as we walked down the polished floors of the hallway.

 "Yeah...But we have Mr Watford and he will so murder us if we are late" she grabbed my elbow her perfect nails digging into my arm as she hurried us down the maze of hallways until we came to a classroom already full of students staring ahead at a teacher who scrawled on the electronic whiteboard. 

 "Sorry Mr Watford I was asked to please bring Avery, the new student to the classroom" Brittany said her voice oozing with sweetness

 "Mm Ok well sit down miss Martins, and Avery?.." he asked

 "Avery ...Wa..Wallis" I stuttered under the heavy gaze of the polished students all looking my way.

 "Very well miss Wallis you may sit in the desk next to miss Martins" he pointed to a desk at the back of the classroom next to Brittany.


'I MISS U! COME HOME!' the text from Suzy read. Leaning backwards I typed a message back to her explaining the Brittany clique who had been dragging me around all day. As if on cue, a note landed on my desk with my name embellished in Pink pen on the front.

"Avery, come and meet us on the football field by the A block" Looking around I could only guess Brittany had sent me the note as she seemed to be smiling widely at me, searching my face for confirmation of her request. 

"Yeah sure" I wrote and threw the note back to her. 

"Alright miss Watford, if you cannot pay attention in my class you can spend your own hour after school making notes on the lesson to be handed in tomorrow" Mrs Boran screeched as she ripped a pink sheet of paper and placed it on my desk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2011 ⏰

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