Chapter 5

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Authors note

Hey guys and gals if  you read this, I've been busy lately so I couldn't update Ino x reader and stuff but I'll try my best with three-two weeks until school starts I'm gonna try my best to update it as much as I can.

Ino: No you forgot about us!

Sakura: Yeah! Shannaro

Y/n: bruh learn to update more often you haven't updated us for a week.

Ino: Do I need to strap you to the chair again?


Ino: well then update us more often Mr Writer.

Naruto: uh Ino please calm down, you need to calm down I'm sure writer has been quite busy recently and like he said, he needs to go and focus on school soon.

Sasuke: Like you would know anything about that Naruto

A/n: Um guys could you not, I'm trying to update this but you're making it really friggin hard!

Ino: fine just hurry  up and get to writing Author.

A/n: fine fine let the writing begin! (\0¬o/)

"hey Y/n, did I ever tell you how I fell in love with you?" Uh not that I can remember Ino, it's been quite some time since we've met, like we met during the first chunin exams. "Well I guess it started off when I saw you standing up for Sakura that many years ago. "Wait, you saw me that many years when I saved Sakura from that Uchiha brat, I don't recall seeing anyone else with her."Well that's because I was afraid of that Uchiha kid because he could've had the Sharingan, so me being the coward I was ran off and hid away but, I saw you standing up for Sakura." Well yeah of course I'm gonna stand up for someone that's my Nindo my Ninja way. "Well you see that day I ended up having feelings for two people; You and Sasuke but I didn't know who to choose y/n, but I'm glad I chose you." Why me though, I'm not Mr perfect being the last of the Uchiha clan. "But you are the one who came to the village hidden in the leaves leaving your country which was full of war and full of death." Yeah but I was always in the shadows, not trying to make very many friends and to find out Naruto had it worse then I did I guess in a way, Naruto was my first friend in this world. He and Sakura that is, they were a bit like my childhood friends. Then of course there's you, the person who I love to death.

Ino blushes. "Oh stop it y/n, you're getting me all flustered up over nothing." Ino you need to learn that sometimes getting flustered over nothing is the best thing about life, you're getting a complement from someone that loves you and would hope we would never break up. "Well maybe we can live a happy life and have a happy relationship if you just let me get close to you." You both blush as Ino slowly approaches you and kisses you, the kiss seemed to last forever to you. "There are you happy now, did it work on you?" Oh my, Ino you're pretty good at that. "Y-You really think so?" Yeah Ino, I'm glad you wanted to go out with me, you're gorgeous and you're an amazing kisser, I can only imagine us having a family of our own. "Are you sure we could have a family one day though, or even if I am the right person?" Because, you had the guts to go and ask me out when you saw Sakura in my house half naked.

"I just acted on my instinct, I thought Sakura was about to have sex with you so I had to stop her because of what happened." No Ino, you got guts for that, you were trying to stand up for me, a man you love and that Ino you should be proud of."No y/n, I-I-I-I just acted on my instinct like I said I shouldn't be proud of that." Oh speaking of our relationship, happy three month anniversary,here you go. You gave Ino a sapphire ring in a jewellery box. "Y/n-Kun, you didn't have to get me anything for our anniversary,I mean it's only three months." *Blushes* Ino enough just take it, I-I love you so I want you to take something t-that's very special to me. "H-How is it special to you Y/n-Kun?" Well, it was from my mother before she died, she told me "Give it to that special girl that you know would love you forever. Ino blushes."B-but how do you know I'm the one that'll love you forever?" Simple Ino-senpai, you like I've been saying; you have guts and guts is what I need in a woman. "Well thank you Y/n, thank you for giving me an heirloom of yours." You're welcome Ino and now *blushes* c-can I stay over at your house for tonight? "Uhhh, y/n I'll attempt to convince my parents if you can."But you're sixteen Ino, that makes you a young adult. "Yeah but the thing is, my parents are strict with having guys over; The only guys that are allowed over are Shikamaru and Chouji because our parents are all good friends. "Alright Ino, I love you but I think I should go meet up with the guys so I'll see you later. As the two of you say goodbye you give her a kiss on the lips and then one on the forehead.

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