Chapter Five

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*Ali's POV*

~"Connor! Where are you?" I called softly. I was walking down the street at midnight. Connor told me to meet him at the corner at 12 pm sharp, so I did, but he wasn't there. Was he playing a prank on me?

"Connor, this isn't funny!" Still no answer. I looked around. Everything was so silent. Not one light was on in any house. The only thing allowing me to see was the street lights.

Something rustled in the bushes next to me. :Connor? Is that you?" Once again, I received no answer. Probably just the wind, I thought. I checked my phone. 12:26am. I sighed. He wasn't showing up. It was pretty obvious.

Just as I was about turning to head home, something jumped out of the moving bush and clamped an unfamiliar hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was just muffled. Despite my struggles to free myself from the grasp, I was hulled into a van that I hadn't even noticed pulled up.

The van was stuffy and hot. I had no idea what had brought me here or what happened next. All I remember was I got a quick glimpse of Connor laying unconscious on the floor, then everything went black. ~

I jolted upright in my bed, a tear streaming down my face. Thank goodness it was just a nightmare, I thought. I looked to the side of my bed where my alarm clock sat. It was 5:34 on Monday morning. I had managed to avoid my mom Saturday evening and most of Sunday, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep this up. Yesterday I had joined Connor, Riley, and Toby at the hospital to see their mom. When I got home, my own mom was sitting on the couch, so I grabbed an apple and ran up the stair to my room. I locked myself in there for pretty much the rest of the day either reading, working on homework, or checking twitter.

I sighed remembering I had school today. I wasn't going to fal back asleep so I got up and headed for my bathroom to shower and get changed. By the time I finished drying my thick hair, it was 7:20. I had to be at school by 8:45.

The sun was shining through my window an I couldn't help but think of Connor again. I somehow had to tell him I was moving in two months without having a breakdown. That was going to be hard.

*          *           *

I got to school at about 8:30. I didn't care if I was early, I just wanted to stay away from my mom, which I had succeeded in doing this morning since she left early for work. I know I'll have to face her sometime, but that time just wasn't now.

*          *          *

This day was not going good so far, It was lunch break now but my first two classes could not have been worse. I kept spacing out and couldn't focus on anything we did. My teachers obviously wern't too happy about it, but they didn't say anything. They never did. They would just glare at you and continue the lesson.

As I walked quickly down the hall to my locker, I thought to myself. I still hadn't told anyone that I was moving and I still didn't know how to tell them. I could just keep it a secret and not tell anyone like they did in the movies, but someone was bound to find out sometime. I shut my locker and sighed. This was not going to be easy.

*           *           *

"Ali? Earth to Ali," Courtney's voice pulled me from my thoughts once again.

"Huh? What?"

"Your spacing out a lot today. That's the seventh time this lunch. Is something wrong?" Courtney blinked at me. Lunch hour was over and we were walking to our next class, geography, which was the only class we had together. Like Courtney said, my mind had drifted seven times total since break started an hour ago. Little did she know that had happened so many times during my first two classes.

"Everything is fine," I lied, looking at my feet.

"No, it's not. You didn't look up at me and the only time that happens is when your lying, so spit it out."

"Everything is fine. I'm just tired." I looked her in the eye this time just as the bell rang.

"Your lucky, but I still don't believe you," she frowned at me then turned to walk into the class.

"Everything is just peachy," I mumbled under my breath and followed Courtney inside.


Forgot to write an author's note for this chapter, but It's done now! What did you guys think? Do you like the nightmare? Or at least how I put it in here? Comment(Please!) and maybe even vote if you liked it! If you didn't, you can still vote, but only if you want to! Thanks!

- Nicky :)

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