Chapter 2

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up to the sound of her shifting in bed next to me. I let out a small groan as my eyes adjusted to the bright light. I flipped over to face her, still peacefully asleep. I let out a deep sigh and quietly got out of her bed. I found my clothes in a small pile by the door. Memories of the previous night flooded my mind. Sex. Sex. And more sex. I put on my clothes and quietly slipped on my shoes, ready to walk out the door. As I opened the door it let out a small creak, I snapped my head back to see if I had awaken her. But I found her still in her slumber. Letting out a deep sigh I took a step forward and then I heard it, her phone.

Her ringtone blared as I frantically looked around her room to find it and shut it off. Too late. She groaned and said, "Baby where are you going?" Hand back on the door I chuckled and said, "You didn't actually think I was gonna stay did you Amber?" I saw her eyes begin to fill with tears. Her voice cracked as she said, "Just leave then." Her sadness brought me anger, "You knew! Amber I told you this wasn't anything serious! You promised there would be no strings attached!" She sniffled and whispered, "Don't yell at me."

My frustration grew greater as I yelled, "Don't tell me what to do. I'll do whatever I fucking want!" I slammed the door closed on my way out and I heard Amber begin to sob. I quickly walked over to my range rover and jammed the keys in the ignition. "I knew this was going to fucking happen. It always fucking happens. Don't they realize they don't mean shit to me? Just another fucking hookup that's all they are. That's exactly what they fucking signed up for." I mumbled as I drove home.

*Sophie's POV*

*beep* *beep* *beep* "Fuck off." I mumbled as I smashed the snooze button. My eyes shot open as I realized the time on the clock. "I'm gonna be late!" I thought aloud as I jumped out of bed. I must have hit my snooze button a few times without even realizing it, I thought as I threw off my clothes from the previous night and put on my uniform; a maroon shirt and black khakis. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

I hurried into my car and started driving. "Why did I have to take the early morning shift?" I groaned as I pulled up to the book shop. I parked the car and hopped out. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I mumbled as I opened the door to the shop. The ringing of the bell on the door this early in the morning filled the entire shop. It was a ghost town this early, but I promised Dan I'd be there. "Daaaaaaannn." I cooed in a sing-song tone. I heard him rustle around in the back, spewing curse words as he dropped a box of books.

"Are you alright back there?" I asked running to help him. "Maybe if someone would have been here earlier I wouldn't need help right now." He teased me. "I'm sorry." I said with puppy dog eyes as I sat down and helped him pick up the books that were strewn across the floor. He sighed and said, "It's alright, just don't let it happen again." As I put the last book back in the box I flashed him a smile and said, "I wouldn't dare." He got up off the floor and held his hand out to me, "Thanks," I said grabbing it as he pulled me up.

*Harry's POV*

Anger coursed through my veins as I gripped the steering wheel tightly, so tightly that my knuckles turned white. I stopped at a red light and checked my phone, still no reply from Sophie. This heightened my frustration. I jerked the wheel to make a u-turn as an idea popped into my head. I stepped on the gas peddle as I mapped out the fastest route to my new destination.

*Sophie's POV*

I began to load the books onto the shelf when I heard the familiar chime of the shop door. Usually no one comes this early. I shrugged it off and finished loading the books. I turned around and saw the customer who had entered. He had his back to me, I watched as he picked out a book and opened it, reading the ending first. How people could find that enjoyable was always a mystery to me. I took note of his height and his built frame.

He made me feel intimidated without even looking at me. He wore black on black, a combination I typically didn't like, but it worked on him. His black skinny jeans clung to his perfect legs and his black shirt loosely sat upon his midsection. He ran his fingers through his hair. I jumped and let out a small squeak as I felt someone jab me in the side. "I don't pay you to drool over boys." Dan said playfully. "Sorry." I blushed. I grabbed more books and turned around, organizing them on the shelves.

*Harry's POV*

I had to put my hand over my mouth too keep from laughing at her squeak. She was adorable. I heard her turn around, so I did the same. I watched as she carefully aligned the books so perfectly. I could feel her thinking about looking at me, but I knew she was too afraid to. I studied the back of her. Since she wasn't wearing heels like she was last night I noticed how small she was; she looked so dainty, so fragile. Her light brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and stopped mid-back. She wore black khakis and a maroon shirt. The shirt practically engulfed her, it must have been an old employees uniform.

*Sophie's POV*

The tension was unbearable. I wanted to know if it was him, I had to know if it was him. I quickly looked at him using my peripheral vision, he saw. "Crap." I mumbled as I began to walk towards the back of the shop. I heard footsteps, I quickened my pace but they matched it with ease. His long legs easily caught up to my shorter ones. I felt him place a hand on my shoulder and jerk me around.

He furrowed his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "You didn't reply." "Harry how do you know where I work.." I said quietly. "You didn't reply." He repeated louder as he tightened his grip on my shoulder. "Harry. Harry you're hurting me." I pleaded as he continued to tighten his grip. "You. Didn't. Reply." He spat at me. "I'm sorry. Please stop." I whimpered as he pressed his fingers deeper into my shoulder. He kept his eyes locked on mine. "Harry." I cried out, the pain was unbearable, "I'm sorry," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

*Harry's POV*

I could see it in her eyes, I frightened her; but I didn't care. I was just so angry, I knew it hurt her; but I just didn't fucking care. I pushed down harder as she winced in pain.

*Sophie's POV*

My shoulder began to feel numb from the pain. The force of Harry's grip caused his fingers to turn white. "Dan." I weakly said. Harry gave me a questioning look, but kept his hand firmly on my shoulder. "Dan." I said a bit louder. Annoyed, he tightened his grip once again, I was amazed by his strength. "Dan!" I shouted as I felt myself get dizzy. He ran out from the back and Harry released me. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Dan asked as he gave Harry a harsh look. I opened my mouth to try and speak but Harry shot me a look. It sent chills up and down my spine. I knew that if I said anything, he would do something even worse to me. "No. I'm okay, just wanted to know where you were." I said calmly. Dan left me alone with Harry.

"Why didn't you reply?" He asked with serious concern. "I didn't think I had to." I mumbled under my breath. "Well it was quite rude." He said in his deep voice. "I'm sorry. It's just that I barely know you." I said looking at the floor, avoiding the green eyes that I had looked at last night whilst being so intimate with him. "Then get to know me." He said lifting my chin up between his fingers and bringing my eyes to his.

My blood ran cold, it seemed like more of an order than an invitation. I took a deep breath, I trusted him, but I also feared him. I gave him a small nod. "Great, I'll pick you up at 10." He said with a dimpled smile. "But where are we go-" I began to say as he cut me off. "No questions, just trust me. Can you do that?" He said looking into my eyes. I shook my head yes again. He turned and began to walk out but stopped in the doorway and in a husky voice said, "Oh, and Sophie." "Yeah?" I asked. "Wear something nice."


Authors note: Sorry for the long wait. Let me know what you think in the comments .x

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