Chapter 3

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*Sophie's POV*

The rest of the work day blurred and rushed quickly around me, only one thing remained clear, Harry. Thoughts of him ran through my mind and questions of what was to come tonight spread like wildfires. Where was he going to take me? What was he going to do to me? Would he hurt me again? And the question that lingered, why me?

*Harry's POV*

I spent the rest of the day making sure everything would be perfect.

It had to be. For her. Never have I ever felt so strongly for someone I know so very little about. I was infatuated with her. I wanted to know her, everything about her. I wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to her every morning, to fall asleep with her every night. I wanted to know her dreams, her aspirations, her hopes, her fears, her past. I wanted to just breathe her in, and become one. "Stop it Styles, stop being so foolish," I thought, banishing the thoughts from my head.

I don't deserve her. I'm a monster. I thought back to just a few hours ago, how I hurt her, how I didn't stop, how I couldn't stop. A sea of guilt flooded my mind. Waves of it crashed against the shores of my being and seeped into every corner. I tried to swim but I couldn't, so I submitted. I let myself be submerged in my cruel acts until I could finally manage to push away the thoughts.

*Sophie's POV*

I glanced at my watch: 9:23. I took a deep breath and began to get ready and try to prepare myself for whatever could happen tonight. Maybe nothing bad will happen. Maybe it will be just a regular date. Maybe. I lifted my arms above my head, and took my shirt Off. I stood in front of the mirror and winced in pain as I ran my fingers across the bruises on my shoulder.

Purple fingerprints from where he touched me. I sighed, remembering that this was not going to be a normal date. I shivered at the memory of his eyes, they were so cold, dark, almost lifeless.

I finished getting undressed and decided to wear a long-sleeved dress that stopped mid-thigh. It revealed my legs but concealed my chest and most importantly, my shoulder. "I'll just pretend like it never happened." I whispered aloud as I brushed my hair. After applying my makeup I stood in front of the mirror and just stared. I took in a deep breath and said to myself, "It'll be okay. If he hurts you, you can go to the police, or tell someone." I don't even want to think about that happening, "He probably won't even hurt you anyways. Yeah." I glanced over my shoulder at the clock: 9:59.

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my cellphone, shoving it into the convenient pocket of my dress. "Everything will be okay. I will be okay." I jumped at the sound of the doorbell. "Coming!" I yelled as I briskly paced over to the door. I tried to steady my shaky hands as I nervously opened the door. The sight of him calmed me, but also put me even more on edge. He gives me so many mixed feelings. I don't know what to make of it. "Hello." He said as he flashed me a dimpled smile. "Hi Harry." I shyly said as I stepped out, closing the door behind me. He silently led the way to his car and walked around to my side. He opened the door for me, waited for me to get in, and shut it behind me. I was shocked at his manners, guys don't normally do that for me. "Thank you." I said, looking down at my lap. He didn't look at me. He just nodded, as if it was something he didn't do because he was trying to be nice, it was just how he was.

The rest of the car ride was silent, every time I opened my mouth words refused to release themselves. I could feel them, brewing behind my lips. But I could not muster the strength to release them. I looked over at him, he looked flawless. His profile showed his chiseled features. We pulled up to an unfamiliar restaurant.

I gripped the door handle and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. I tried it again with more force, but it refused to move. Harry got out of the car and walked over to my side. He unlocked my door and opened it for me. He then grabbed my hand and helped me out. I smiled at his kind gesture. He locked up the car and did not release his grip on my hand. "Why didn't you unlock my door?" I said calmly, trying not to anger him. I sighed as I looked down at our intertwined hands. His hand practically engulfed my smaller one. He silently gripped my hand tighter and began walking, pulling me along with him.

His grip continued to tighten with each step as we approached the front door. I had to try very hard to keep up with the pace of his long legs. "Harry." I pleadingly whispered, "You're hurting me." He slowed down and looked back at me with apologetic eyes. I looked away, unable to bear his gaze. He slowly rubbed the back of my hand gently with his thumb soothingly. We arrived at the front and a server asked, "Reservation?" Harry cleared his throat and said, "Styles." The server flipped through a notepad and nodded his head saying, "Right this way Mr.Styles." We were led into the restaurant and it looked magnificent. Everything was so expensive looking and elegant.

I had forgotten that Harry was still holding my hand until I felt the absence of his warm presence. He pulled out my chair for me and then sat in his seat. "Is it enough?" I asked. "Is what enough?" He asked confusedly. I gestured to my outfit and he let out a chuckle. I felt my cheeks getting hot as I looked down at my lap and said, "Sorry." His laughter stopped and he grabbed my chin between his fingers, lifting my head up so that we looked eye to eye. "Now you listen to me," he began, "It is more than enough. You're the most breathtaking girl in this entire restaurant Sophie." He released my chin and my head shyly gravitated back downwards, avoiding his piercing green eyes gazing upon me.

"Sophie..." He trailed off getting lost in his own thoughts. "Yes?" I answered looking up to find his eyes fixed upon something in the far side of the restaurant. "Harry?" I asked trying to get his attention. He did not react. I reached across the table and slipped my fingers between his and gave him a small squeeze. He blinked rapidly, looked down at our hands and smiled. "Sorry." He said as he picked up my hand and brought it to his soft lips, planting a gentle kiss. I blushed and asked, "What were you going to say?" His smile faded and his lips became tight. He cleared his throat and let go of my hand, "Sophie I have a confession." He began. And that's when I heard it. Gunshots.


Authors note: sorry for the long wait guys I was really busy with school. Also please comment and tell me what you like/dislike and how I can make it better and you're predictions would be fun to read too haha. Thanks for everything. Love you guys so much. Don't forget to follow me too (: .xx

P.S: I was going to update on Friday but I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues lately and I'll try and update on Saturday or Sunday I apologize. I'll make sure it's not two months like the last time haha.

Could I please get 1k reads and 100 votes? :)


Instagram: zarrypanic


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