Part 2

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Chapter 8

As I woke up my ears were bleeding and I couldn't focus all I could remember is a massive explosion nearby and I flew into the wall. When I got myself out of disorientation I heard footsteps nearby and mumbling voices, slowly and carefully I started crawling I couldn't stand up because my leg was peppered with pieces of metal, wood and stone when I got outside the whole place which seemed friendly a few moments ago now was burning and literally obliterated with explosions and bullet holes. I wasn't expecting anything when I felt a sharp pain in my head and I fell down.

Chapter 9

When I woke up I realized that I was no longer in town, apparently I was lying in a bunk bed, which was strange because I remember being in the town but where am I now? After a certain time the door opened with a creak and in walked my friends Hugh and Kate they were speaking but I couldn't hear them all I could hear though was muffled voices of my friends and then suddenly the whole place echoed with a loud shriek and as to my instinct I looked at the window just to see the monstrous mutated creature I've seen a few days ago. Then everything went in a blur Hugh grabbed a gun and shot the creature right between the eyes and it fell with a loud thud.

Chapter 10

"Nice shot Hugh" remarked Kate

"Seems like going to the shooting range helped out eh? Well anyways we have to go on and track our people to the bunker. New Atlanta should be pretty close if I'm right"

I replied to my friend as I grabbed up my back pack and put it on we discussed where we should go and decided that our best option is to follow they're footprints which led north. After an hour or so we stumbled upon a house near the foot prints and right around the house were tons of them we decided to salvage the house and in the end we found a knife and an electric diary belonging to the bunker manager we listened it and this is what it said: "our journey continues in peace and how we see it we've made half of the way but if only those raiders left us alone we wouldn't had any trouble and wait what's that noise? What? That's impossible! Everyone flee while you can Jacob run arghaaaa..." What we heard terrified us we decided that now we will have to me more careful unless we want to have the same fate as some of our friends so we continued following the footprints with much more awareness.

Chapter 11

After walking for about an hour or so we came to a dark tunnel leading to Atlanta. After hesitating for a moment we decided to go in the tunnel and continue our walk to the bunker of New Atlanta where our friends awaited our return. After half an hour of walking we heard a strange rumbling noise from behind us but as we started turning around we noticed light in front of us and instead of turning back we ran into the light and found ourselves standing on a highway in a middle of what looked like a desert, thankfully we've brought water and food with us so we continues on our quest when we heard an engine behind us and when we turned around we were glad because it was no one but Jason and Jack.

Chapter 12

We asked the if they can give us a ride to Atlanta and they answered that they were going there too so we hopped on and rode of with them. After 50 miles we reached New Atlanta but the car broke down unfortunately there were 10 more miles left and so we continued walking down into the direction of the bunker. On the way we found a building officially made by the company that built the grid of bunkers "HAVEN" so we, in hope to find out more about the bunkers, went inside and what we ended out finding was a information booklet which when we read we found out that there were only 9 bunkers created: 4 civilian, 3 Army, 1 government and 2 scientific research labs. That filled us with joy because the bunkers were enough to recreate the world.

Chapter 13

When we got out of the building we continued in the direction of the bunker but unfortunately what we had found out that the bunker was surrounded buy a quarantine dome thankfully though on the way in was a decontamination room which had some hazmat suits we quickly slid in them zipped ourselves up and started the decontamination process, after a minute or so the process was done and we walked into the quarantine dome. What was inside absolutely terrified us everything was covered in mutated plants, trees and human corpses in what looked like torn hazmat suits, as we came close to a particular corpse we saw that they were covered in some time of fungi which seemed to be moving and spreading over the body.

Chapter 14

We began to make out shapes of a bunker in the distance in the middle of the dome but as we came closer to it we saw millions of the creatures that we were on the run, we had no choice but to fight them off we grabbed our pistols and slowly but steadily killed nearly every creature that came in our way thankfully they died very quickly and soon there were only corpses left from them scattered at certain positions. We went into the bunkers decontamination room where we repeated the process we did at the entry and once it was done our friends breached the door open greeted us and gave us some food to eat only to reveal how hungry we were they told us their story and we told them ours and in the end we agreed that now our main priority was to find the other bunkers scattered across the world but for now we must rest and prepare ourselves.


From that terrible time I have traveled to many bunkers and found many friends slowly but steadily our world got rebuilt but now I will say that the main quest is left for you the quest to pass my knowledge to everyone else and so that they wont repeat the mistakes the old government has done.

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