Austlan Cashby -let live

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"Alan!!! Alan!!" Austin called out in a rather hyper mood In an attempt to wake Alan from hIs nIght's sleep.

Today was Alan's birthday, and Austin had a wholeee evening planned out for the cute ginger.

The band was in the middle of headlining a huge tour, but thanks to Austin they had the day off here in Las Vegas.

Aaron had left to visit the city with his girlfriend, while Tino and Phil decided to hit up the bars and chill around. Leaving them just the two alone.

They had all decided to meet back at the bus around 9pm to surprise Alan with a party.

"mmhmmm? go away, I'm sleeping." Alan replied turning his back to Austin at the side of his bunk.

"Noooooo!, wake up ginger princess! Its already 11: 30! We're wasting tIme!!!" Austin screamed hopping onto Alan's bunk excIdIngly.

Sliding onto Alan's bunk was really hard, considering the small space. So Austin ducked his head under, placing both his knees around Alan's sleeping figure and sitting onto Alan's thighs.

Alan slightly yelped to himself, holding back his breath and blush as much as possible. When he noticed Austin was sitting on his lower thighs.

"He's so adorable". Austin thought to himself."The way he holds onto his blush trying to hide it.... the way he grins wide everytime I'm near him."

"I just wish I could hold his sleepy form here in my arms right now, and just completely shower him with kisses" He thought grinning to himself."

Austin had admitted his feeling for Alan already to himself, and he's pretty sure Alan feels the same way. But Austin just hasn't found a way to confess and show his love for the younger yet. He wants it all to be perfect. Special, and that's exactly what he planned on doing tonight.

Just grinning down at the silent ginger made Austin feel like his whole stomach had been intruded and invaded with fluttering butterflies. He couldn't wait much longer to hold him in his arms.

"C'mon Alan, please wake up" Austin said in a more feigned sad tone, a pout spreadIng onto hIs lIps when he noticed Alan wasn't budging.


Alan sighed deeply, not wantIng to leave the comfort of hIs sleep and began turning his face, to come eye to eye with a very adorable, and pouty Austin.

Alan watched as Austin's face completely changed in seconds from an adorable feigned pout, to a joy filled grin as he turned to look at him.

Looking deeply onto Austin's eyes, he couldn't help but just stare into them.

Feeling completely lost and utterly locked into them... Feeling captured by the glint and adoration in his fair eyes, lIke he was In a trance he dIdn't want to move from.

LettIng out a shaky breath, not completely trusting in his voice, He attempted to speak and question Austin what the hurry was, but decided to held onto the daze a lIttle longer.

Traceing every feature of Austin's bright face, watching his lips move as the man spoke to him, yet not paying attention to the words but more to the lips themselves.  

Alan couldn't help but to wIsh that somehow he could wake up everyday to these beautiful hazel eyes stareIng back at him.


"Ahem" Austin cleared his throat abruptly snapping Alan out of his fantasy, "You dIdnt hear a word I saId, dId you".

"hmm?" Alan squealed, A bright blush escaping from his cheeks. Hopeing Austin hadn't caught his stareing.

Alan had a quick stretch still laying under Austin, completely rubbing his eyes over and over. Attempting to get rid of the sleep in them.

Sitting up in a more stable position, coming to a more height on height posture with Austin, Alan finally spoke.

"Hey, whatsup?" he mummbled. completely oblivious to the fact, that when he sat up he brought a sitting Austin closer and onto his lap.

Austin blushed at the sudden move, the ginger had accidentally pulled. He was now completely sitting on Alan's lap and couldn't help but to grin like a fool and enjoy it until Alan realizes.

Noticing the deep blush on Austin's face, Alan couldn't stop but to raise an eyebrow at Austin.

"Is Austin blushing." he thought to himself in a very confused way.  

"well there's no reason to, I'm probably seeing things," he pondered as he raised his hands back to his eyes to rub at them again.

Sighing Alan brought down his hands in midair to again see a blushing Austin.

"hmm?"Alan let out, growing impatient at the awkward -to him- silent.

He quickly dropped his hands and arms down to question Austin on his silentness and grown blush, when his hands hit a lap, that didn't belong to him.

Stareing down, towards where his hands laid he let out a gasp as he felt all the blood in his body rush to his cheeks.

"Oohhhhh." he thought to himself. "Ohmygod how embarrassing!!!!" he couldnt help but to say.  

"I can't believe I didn't notice I sat him on my lap, holy shit" he scolded himself.

His eyes widened with shock as he heard the sound of his voice, and reality hitting him hard. looking over to a smirking, slightly red Austin.

Jumping out from underneath him, he ran out towards the bathroom letting out the long breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Alan!!, come back" Austin called out still sitting on Alan's bunk, where he had left him.


"Ohmygod, Ohmygod" Alan said to himself paceing back and forth in a tight restroom. "How embarrassing!"

" what if he found out you like him?" 

"What if he thinks your the biggest creep, and ignores you forever now." 

"what if he never speaks to you again" 

Alan whispered to himself arrogantly stareing back at his reflection in the mirror.

"I just want to sit here and not come out ever." Alan sighed to himself frustrated, sliding down the wall and onto the cold floor.


10min later

"C'mon Alan come out of there!" Austin whined for the hundredth time.

"Noo" Alan grunted to himself in response to Austin, still embarrassed over what happened.

"It wasn't even a big deal, you over dramatic adorable Fuck." Austin said through the door quietly whispering the last part to himself in hopes that Alan doesn't hear.

"Today's a very special day, and I have surprises for you!!!" he continued to whine at Alan through the bathroom door.

"So c'mon, get ready and we leave at 12." Austin beamed excitingly at Alan through the door once again, before he left to get ready himself.

Austlan Cashby -let liveWhere stories live. Discover now