Chapter One: Welcome Home

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Daddy's Girl

Chapter One

Welcome Home

"Emilie, he just texted me. He says he'll be home in half an hour," my little sister fretted. I looked at the clock and winced slightly.

"It's okay Lily, Cara's with him. That little brat always drags things out longer than they need to be."

"I know, but what if she doesn't?" I stopped cleaning for a moment to watch my sister franticly scurry around her room, straightening up her already near-perfect room. "If he comes home and the house isn't clean," she shuddered. "We're dead. D-E-A-D dead!"

"Lily, I know how to spell," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. She glared at me. I sighed and grabbed my blue cell phone from my nightstand and texted him.

"txt me when u r on ur way home"

"make sure ALL of ur stuff is done." I frowned at his reply, then grabbed some of the dirty clothes off of my bedroom floor, throwing them into my hamper.

"What if we don't finish in time?" Lily worried as she walked through the door that connected her room to our shared bathroom.

"Then we're screwed Lil. No way around it. Remember last time? I think EVERYONE at school commented on how red my cheek was." Lily winced sympathetically.

Just then, we both heard the garage door open, and froze. "Why weren't you watching out the window?" I whispered angrily.

"Because I was cleaning up! Why weren't you, your window has a better view!" My heart squeezed as I realized that she was right. The front door opened and we scurried back into our own rooms, throwing things in hidden corners and making sure everything appeared to be in perfect order.

"I'M HOME!" he roared as he walked through the door. My father was home.

[Author's Note: I almost stopped here, but then decided that stopping now would make this a ridiculously short chapter, so...I will leave you alone so that you can read the rest of the chapter now.]

"Hi Daddy!" I chirped cheerfully, scampering down the stairs as quickly as my legs would allow. "We cleaned our rooms and the kitchen, the dishes are done and put away, and we put away our stuff that was lying around the house," I reported, holding my breath as he walked around, waiting for the result of his inspection. Suddenly, he lunged forward, the back of his hand whipping across my face. My head snapped to the side and my legs crumpled under me as I fought back tears.

"WHY are there flip flops in the hallway?!?" my father screamed at me. Wincing I looked behind him to see a pair of Cara's shoes lying where she had left them this morning.

"You said to clean up my stuff and Lily's stuff. Those are Cara's flip flops," I whispered. My father shrugged and turned to Cara.

"Clean those up, Cara honey. Then you can go and play with your friends." I resisted the urge to glare at him for his obvious favoritism as I slowly stood. "You! You go to your room this instant young lady!" I nodded and began making my way up the stairs. "And tell Lily to stay in her room as well." I nodded again.

Once I had safely reached my room, I reached under my bed and pulled out the ice I had snuck from the fridge while my father had been away, because I had known I would need it. He always found a reason to hurt me, without fail.

[Author's Note: I also contemplated stopping here. Just saying. Okay, keep reading.]

"Why did he smack you this time?" Lily asked quietly. I grinned sadly.

"Notice that you just knew he smacked me."

"Why else would you need ice?"

"I know, it's just...never mind. That idiot of a sister left her flip flops in the hall. Of course he blamed me, then was all 'Cara sweetie, pick those up, then go play with your little friends.'"

"Sadistic favoritist, now isn't he."

"Don't you steal my insult girl," I joked quietly. Lily chuckled before slipping back into her room.

"Emilie!" said sadistic favoritist screamed from downstairs. "Get down here!" I winced.

"Coming Dad!"

Okay, now I really am done. So...again, this is not a true story. Please remember, I need FEEDBACK in order to improve the story. I'm trying to emphasize this, because (I kid you not) one of my stories has about 300 reads (yeah, I know, I'm not very popular :'( ) and exactly 0 comments. ZERO! So...pleasepleaseplease comment and tell me what you think of the first chapter.

Read, Comment, Vote, Love

<3 Angel

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