Airell's POV 5

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I had made friends! I want still wasn't sure if they were nice or not. I wanted them to like me I knew that. The main reason I hung out with them was they knew Eric so they must be trustworthy. We shopped for clothes. Snow said I definently needed them. I thought my outfit was ok but Appearently not. Oh well. After this we were going to Aroura's house. She lived with her three aunts. She had a fourth aunt but she was crazy and had tried to kill her so her parents hid her. A girl in the bathroom named Shanti told me that lots of people suspected her aunts were secretly lesbian and she was too. And that she and snow were best friends so no one said anything about it to her face. She also said Snow had family troubles too. We left the mall and went into Snow's Lexus. Snow drove to Aroura's house so far Tina hadn't said a word. She would laugh or nod her head or say uh. I really wanted to know if she could talk at all. Was she shy? I leaned over and whispered to Jasmine "Can Tina talk?" The answer I got back was very odd. Jasmine whispered "well she uh see she can talk but well she mainly expresses her feelings in teenage girl flirting noises and facial expressions she's trying to make a point." I wasn't exactly sure what point she was trying to make. We got out of the car and walked into Aroura's tiny home. We were greeted by her three aunts with hugs and cookies. Aroura led me into her room. She showed us a picture if her boyfriend Adam her boyfriend. "Snow how are things working with you and Eric." I nearly fell over. Eric? My Eric? No! no! no! Snow sighed "He hardly knows I exist." No he hardly knows I exist! I concentrated on breathing and nodding my head. Aroura exclaimed "I know you can get the lead in that play he'll notice you then!" Snow hugged her. "That's perfect you are a genius!" I should be in that play. I was the one who came all this way for him I deserved his attention far more than her. It must've showed on my face. "Airell I'm sorry I really am if you wanted the lead in that play but this is for Eric you understand right?" I smiled and nodded my head. I should say something "Um yeah I've done things like that to get a boy to like me too." Tina giggled. Jasmine sighed "Who hadn't?" we all giggle again. "I don't feel well I think I'm gonna go home see ya tomorrow." "Bye" they all said at once except for Tina. I walked to the hotel we were staying at when I got there Flounder was making Carmel popcorn. "Where'd you get that?" I asked him I didn't care but it was good for his self esteem. "Leftover from Boy Scouts." I had no idea he was in Boy Scouts."I didn't know you were in Boy Scouts." "Maybe you would if we talked about anything but you." he mumbled. it occurred to me I don't know much about Flounder. I couldn't dwell on that now because I had so many problems. Snow and her friends would hate me if I made a move on Eric. and Eric was the main reason I came. Meanwhile my homework was super hard. I thought high school would solve all my problems but it only created more.

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