I'm a witch?!

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******Caroline's POV******

i woke up on the mikealson couch with klaus  watching over me like i was going to break 

" oh my head hurts what happened "

" well you passed out love "

" ok we need to talk to Sophie about this prophecy " i said putting air quotes over the over the word

" its no joke, this is very real" a girl said behind me 

" oh sorry i did not introduce myself , im Sophie" she said glumly 

" so whats the deal with this prophecy shit" i said not in the mood for pleasantries 

" well the prophecy was a message from the ancestors and they  said a girl of angel skin and golden hair would come to see the original hybrid and only in her linking herself to him will she come into her powers break the link and be a true hybrid of witch and vampire and she will be even more powerful than you Klaus but the problem with that is that Agnes thinks that because you are powerful that she has to capture you sacrifice you to the ancestors and consecrate you in the cemetery to give us more power" she said 

i sat there with my mouth open then i got up

" i need a drink " i said grabbing the bourbon glass and made myself a drink drank it and then not realizing the pressure i was putting the glass broke it 

" im sorry this is just a lot to process " i said rubbing my head

" so how do we prevent them from coming after her ?" klaus asked 

" we have to do the link when we complete the link ill show her how to break it the only way to kill her in that scenario is to keep her from breaking the link and gaining full power "

" so when can we do it?" i asked 

"the full moon in two days " 

"ok cool "

" now lets talk about Davina " elijah said as he walked though the door 

" well we need to find her to complete the harvest, the harvest is ..."

" yeah yeah we know what it is get to the point please"i said getting impatient 

" we need to get her out of Marcel's hands " she said 

" well dont ask me my cover was blown by Diego, man when i get my hands on him" i said getting mad 

the room started to shake 

" that means your powers are working they just aren't all there yet " she said 

" good to know" i said looking around 

then i got an idea 

" i know what to do draw marcel to me we can turn a bunch of people and klaus can compel them to do exactly what i want and to follow me loyally so that you can get Davina"

" no " klaus said immediately 

like he has any say over my life! 

"no?" i said 

"no its too risky what if your powers flare up again and you cant control it ?if they see you are weak they will jump at the chance to kill you and what if i cant get to you in time ?"

" god stop! just stop! you worry about me way too much do you think i cant take care of my self? i have kill people for you and it is haunting me all the time so for once just let me worry about you! please?" i yelled 

" fine but the vampires will fight till death for you am i clear?"

" yes klaus just do it ok" i said and walked to the backyard 

the flash backs of him dieing wont leave my head i cant even close my eyes without seeing hayley or tyler kill him in a new brutal way

its killing me but i cant let him know that

******Klaus's POV******

" well she just wont stop yelling at you now will she " kol said before walking to find her 

" there is something shes not telling me "

" maybe its her dreams, she was twitching when you brought her home and she was screaming last night when you went to check on her " elijah said 

" but why wont she tell me ?" 

i have to give her time 

if i push her to tell me she  will never tell me 

just give her time 

******Kol's POV******

"hey care i know your over there dont bother hiding "

she came from over behind the bushes an came over to sit next to me 

" so are you going to tell me whats going on? or are you just going to sit there "

" ive been having dreams about hayley and tyler killing klaus " she said head down 

"wow, is that why you were so mad at him ?"

" yes because hes always helping me, saving me ,and the  one chance that i get the time to help he thinks its too dangerous "

" so you do care about him"

" yes but im scared "

" scared of what he abosolutly adores you "

" yes but ill never be his first choice im never anyones first choice even when i was with damon he was using me and resented me because he wanted to be with elena "

" ahh the doppleganger "

" elena! elena! elena! thats all he ever talked about but when it came to me it was fuck me ,feed off me, and forget about me , and when ever i did something wrong he made sure i paid for it "

" you better not tell nik that hell kill him "

"  i was human then, i actually think damon has changed "

" well why dont you tell him about your dreams, maybe he can put something else on your mind " i said giving her the eyebrows 

" no kol" she said shaking her head " you know you have been a good friend to me since you came back "

" thank you caroline , i like being friends with the all powerful vampire witch"

she laughed

" lets go inside kol"

i took her hand and we walked into the house to find a whole lot of vampires and as soon as they saw caroline they bowed down 

the guy in the front came forward and bowed "we are forever in your service Queen Caroline "

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