Creepy castle

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"Casssssiiiiaaa!! Come on we're gonna miss the car!!" My friend Sapphire whined.

Right now I'm trying to get my luggage from this old lady who thinks its hers.

"Can you please give me back my luggage?" I asked politely.

"What are you talking about? This is my luggage!" The old lady yelled at me, pulling the bag towards her.

"No it's mine." I say, pulling the bag towards me. Right now were in a little game of tug-of-war.

"It's mine."

"It's mine."

"No, mine."

"No, mine."



"No actually it's hers." My friend, Lin, said taking the bag out of my hand and giving it to the old lady.

"But-?" I start to ask but then Lin cuts me off.

"I have your bag right here." She says holding up my bag.

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

"Now tell her your sorry." Lin says gesturing to the old lady. I gave her a 'no-way' face and she just gave me a stern look. I sighed and turned around to the old lady not looking in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said in a not so serious tone. The old lady just made a 'hmph' sound and whacked me hard with her purse.

"OOOWWW! gees! what do you have in there, bricks!?" I yelled holding my arm. She just stuck her nose up, turned around, and walked away.

"I thought British people were supposed to be nice?" My friend, Sarah, asked. We all picked up our stuff and headed to the car.

"They are, I don't know what crawled up her butt and died." Sapphire answered.

Once we got to our car, we pilled all of our stuff in, got in, and drove off.

We drove for what felt lol forever down a dirt road, with lots and lots of trees. It was kinda spooky, but I was totally ok with that.

Once the car stopped, we all piled out of the car with our stuff, and stared at the old castle.

"It's kinda creepy." Lin said, all of the girls agreed.

"Do you think it's dangerous?" Asked Sarah.

"I hope so! Now let's go in and get our rooms sorted out!" I cheered, so did the other girls while running in.

I was walking up the steps when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I look over into the woods to see........ Nothing, must be my imagination.


Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is short, but it's basically introducing the characters and telling how they got there! I hope you like it so far! I'll try to update often! So comment/ vote/ share, but most importantly, enjoy!! Luvs!! <3 ~Sierra~

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