Just a normal day

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A/N. hey guys sorry for the long wait! I've been working, doing talent contests, trying to catch up on schoolwork, i wrote this chapter three times and when i went back to check it over each time it was gone, and a bunch of other stuff! Also I'm sorry about the whole chapter names thing. I mixed them up, so this one was supposed to be named 'Just A Normal Day' so I hope you like it!! Comment/ Vote/ Share/ follow (i follow back) but most importantly....... Enjoy!!! Luvs!! <3 ~Sierra~



"Hey, Liiiinnn?" I ask in a sweet tone, dragging out her name.

"What do you want?" She asks, getting right to the point.

"Ok. So you know the woods over there?" I ask pointing to the woods that you can see from the window.

"Yeah...." She say trying to get me to get to the point. Or maybe she is just slurring from all the alcohol from last night.

That was an awesome party. Ok stop it Cassia! Your here on a mission!

"I need you to find out more about it."

"Ok...." She slurred again. Hahaha come to think of it, she kinda looks like a zombi with a hangover. I wonder if I look like that too? Maybe I should go take a shower and put on some make up? I take some of my shirt and smell it. It's...... Ok, I guess. Well I'm just going for a run in the woods. Yes I am going into the woods, and I know that I've seen things moving in it. But hey..... YOLO!!!

Ok cassia focus!!

"Ok, thanks! Bye, loves!!" I say making a heart with my hands and walking out the door.

Once I'm at the woods line I plug my earbuds into my iPhone, put them in my ears, press play, and start jogging through the woods.

*5 hours later*

I stop walking and sit on a rock, taking a breather. I look at the time on my phone, wow! I've been running/walking for five hours! That shows you how much I get lost in music. I love music so much, I would die without it. Some of my favorite bands are, Maroon 5, Owl City, Train, and of course I can't forget..... One Direction!! I love those guys, their voices are amazing, and they aren't to bad on the eyes if you know what I mean. Man I would love to fu-

I am cut of from my thoughts by something moving from the corner of my eye. I turn around to see, nothing again. Geesh this place is starting to give me the creeps, I love it!

All of a sudden a twig snaps from behind me.

"Shh." I hear someone or something whisper.

"Hello?" I ask. No reply. Then another twig snaps from beside me.

"I know your there. I don't know how many of you there are, but I know your there." I say looking around. It is almost pitch black so I can't see a thing farther then a foot from my face.

'Snap' there goes another twig. But this time when I turn around to where the sound came from, I see two beautiful, glowing, green eyes. They keep coming closer, closer, and closer until they are a foot away from me and I can barley make out a face. It is a guy with a very strong looking jawline, and a mop of brown curls on his head. He kinda looks familiar.

"Who are you?" I ask being the first one to break the awkward silence.

"Hmhm wouldn't you like to know." He says in a deep, sexy, husky voice, while chuckling.

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