You and your Boyfriend Michael have been dating for about a year now. You both live in Atlanta, go to school at Mount MLK High, and both 16. It all begins on a rainy night when Michael took you to a fancey dinner.....
You- Oh, my hair!
Michael- Dont worry it got it *putting an umbrella over your head*
You- Thanks.
Michael- *jummping ahead twards the car* I got this two. *opens it for you*
You- you are so sweet!
#In the Car#
Michael- *in the drivers set* Oh! i almost forgot *getting something out the back set*
You- what is it? *gasp*
Michael- Happy Anniversary Boo!
You- aww how sweet! *sniffing the roses*
Michael- *holds out his hand*
You- boi, I would never forget! *ferrets in your purse, finds it* Here you go!
Michael- aww what is it? *shakes the box*
You- you gotta open it, duu
Michael- *opends box* OMG! Y/N you didnt!
You- but I did bae.
Michael- you got me a gold chain!
You- yup, one for now and the other for later, because we both know that theres another event comming up!
Michael- *lol* you dont have to worry about THAT!
You- why? You have other birthdays?
Michael- *lol* No but..
#Michael's Pro#
I love Y/n with all my heart, shes the best girlfriend i ever had, but she knows i dont like being the center of attention. I dont want a big party and all but.... i know shes just being a good girlfriend.
You- but what?
Michael- *sigh* but nothan. *starts engine*
You- *sitting back in your seet* ok.
Who Did It? And Why? ~Short Story. Completed!!!!~
Short StoryYour boyfriend just got shot, who did it, why, and will he replace the one you lost?