14- Chivalry's dead and so am I

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I sat crossed legged on the plush chair, arms folded across my chest. I kept my face free of emotion despite the throbbing in my right cheek. The man across from me was leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. We were having a bit of a stare off. We had been doing this for about ten minutes know and I really wanted to start breathing through my mouth but didn't want to show any sign of discomfort, lest he take that as a sign of weakness.

Staring at his eyes did make me uneasy though. They were light grey, speckled with pepper and ringed with black. They were almost an exact copy of James except Kean had a couple more freckles in his eyes. No doubt James would be freaking out right now, desperately trying to find me or a signal from the bracelet and driving the girls insane. Sophie would be upset he wasn’t paying attention to her. Kina would be frightened of his anger. Amanda would be scared he would dump her. Raina would be mad because he wouldn't let anyone leave the house after that. Brenna would be on edge because every one else was. And Shay might be the only one worried about me.

“What are you thinking about?” Kean finally said, breaking the silence.

“James.” I answered truthfully. He scowled and sat back in his seat, crossing his arms so we mirrored each other. Minus the crossed legs of course, I doubt he was that flexible.

“Wouldn’t that make poor Thomas green with envy.” He said shaking his head an exaggerated expression of disappointment on his face. I didn’t give him the satisfaction of frowning. My bones were stiff from sitting in the same position and I was already getting restless. I stood up and walked over to the window. Kean didn’t move but I could feel his eyes on me.

I looked out over the drive, trying to memorize my surroundings. The long drive was bordered by two small streams that were occupied by bright, colorful fish. Tree’s blocked the house from prying eyes and unwelcome visitor and I could see a stone wall behind them.

“Your house is a fortress.” I turned around to look at him, resting my hand on the windowsill.

“Well it has to be doesn’t it?” I shrugged and looked away. There was another silence.

“Look, how long is this gonna take cause I have places to be.” He smiled, amused and got up from his chair.

“Well as long as your cooperating, only a week or two and of course I will provide anything you need.” He said, straightening his stupid Armani jacket.

“Pain killers?” I said sweetly, pointing to my bruised face. He chuckled.

“Of course. Feel free to roam the house too. My security is a little better than James’ so I’m not worried about you wondering off.” He bowed and left. I opened up my suitcase, sighing. I grabbed my makeup bag and proceeded to blot away the nasty purple mark. You could still see it through the foundation but I didn’t want to parade the fact that I couldn’t defend myself.

A woman came in a little later with some Tylenol and I thanked her but was not honored with a reply. I changed shirts-there were bloodstains on it- and explored. My room was right by the stairs, so I quietly padded down. It was hard because it led into a huge hall that echoed so easily. I felt like I was entering a ball, as the magnificently ornate stairs widened out. I went through a couple doorways and halls, letting myself get lost in the luxurious house. I passed by Kean twice, which seemed to amuse him. I didn’t understand how I could run into him since the house was so big.

When my feet were too sore to walk I found myself in a parlor. It was very homey, surprisingly. Big, comfy couches covered in pillows and a big fireplace welcomed me into the room. I sank into the couch with relief. I looked over to the coffee table and saw a photo album. I hit the jackpot. I thought to myself, hoping for embarrassing pictures of Kean and James.

I eagerly flipped it open and stopped on the first page. It was Kean, James and I could only assume their parents. Their father had Kean’s warm hair color and both boy’s obviously got their strong jaw from him. But he looked stressed and tired with ark bags under his eyes. Their mother was no worse. She looked very fragile with her thin halo of blond hair. Her eyes were empty and they looked haunted. As much as I blamed the brothers, I couldn’t help but pity them as I looked down at their broken family.

Sorry for before! Accidents happen right? Any way this chapter doesn't have a whole lot going on but I wanted you to know that Kean and Jameses lives suck. A little pity?-Kam

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