1- Shoot me now...Not literally!

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I walked around the small apartment, barely holding on to the heavy box in my arms.I set it down on the couch with a sigh of relief. I heard huffing behind me and I assumed it was mom coming in with the last box. I turned around to see her struggling, I quickly took the box from her and set it down next to mine.

"That's the last of it, hopefully." She said, hands on her knees panting. I smiled and turned towards the boxes. 

"Looks like it. So which room do you want?" I opened up the box she was carrying to find sheet's, blankets and pillows. Not a very heavy package considering  how hard it was for her. I took them out set them on the couch.

"I'll take whatever ones nearest the bathroom, you know I always have to get up in the middle of the night for my business and I don't want to be stumbling through the hall." I laughed and carried the my blankets to my new room which was slightly farther away then Sherry's room. I kicked open the door to see a sad grey room with a single dusty mattress on a black bed frame.

"Cheerful." I muttered to myself, setting the blankets down on the floor.

            I skipped back down the hall and grabbed a bat. When I returned to my room I squinted my eyes and started beating the crap out of my bed. Dust filled the air and I coughed a few times. That would have to do for now, any more dust and I would suffocate. So I mechanically made the bed up and set my white comforter over my paisley sheets. The bed looked awfully clean in this crappy room. I tried to visualize the walls a bright green with pictures of me and friends adorning the walls. Maybe with time it could be nice.

            I walked back to see that half the boxes were already unpacked and put away. Feeling guilty, I quickly unloaded the others and found a place for the items inside. We didn't have a lot of furniture, a couch, coffee table, shelf and a table with two chairs, so it was a little hard to find space but I managed. I looked over at mom who was getting the kitchen in order. She turned towards me.

"Ready for some grocery shopping?" I nodded

            Shopping took about two hours, we had to cover the food essentials and then stock up stuff like toilet paper, soap, and new notebooks for me. I would be attending Hanson High school tomorrow morning so I needed to be well prepared. I was transferring in time for the second semester to start, and I was nervous. I was afriad that the kids would just be scary. I'm not sure that the term "kid" would even apply to them. I was being a little paranoid but and I knew it but aren't all new kids?

            I helped Sherry put away the groceries then pulled out the ingredients for a pb &j. I sat down at the table, worn out from traveling, unpacking and shopping. Mom  joined me, looking just as exhausted as me. 

"Excited for school tomorrow?" I snorted. She smiled and studied my face.

"This school might be a little more rough than you're used to. But I don't want you to be afraid. It's going to be easy for you to make friends." I nodded, not in agreement though. I cleaned up my mess and was getting up to leave when Sherry said something else.

"And please" She hesitated, "Don't look so haunted." I froze in shock for a second then kept walking. Did I look haunted? I thought it was more of a tough look. I frowned as I slipped into my new bed. I'd have to work on that.

I woke up to the alarm on my phone buzzing like crazy. I reached out and dismissed it. Snuggling closer into my pillow I groaned, I most definitely did not want to go to school. Reluctantly, I stretched out and swung my feet over the side of my bed. I padded over  the cold floor to my suitcase and grabbed my make up bag and an outfit. I took a quick shower, enjoying the heat and took some time to blow dry my hair so it hung perfectly straight halfway down my back. 

I used my bright purple eyeliner to make my green eyes stand out more, and smeared some concealer over my unwanted freckles. I dressed in my favorite green tunic over some leggings finishing the look with some boots. When I was satisfied, I grabbed my bag and stuffed my new binders in it. I walked down the hall into the kitchen, stumbling in the dim light. 

 I poured some lucky charms and waited uncomfortably in the silence. I didn't want to leave early but the apartment still felt alien to me, not like a home. So I grabbed my keys and headed out. I climbed into my crappy car, the familiar sent of peaches washing over me. I had a thing for peach air fresheners. My madre said that it was way to strong and overwhelming but I thought it was perfect. The air in the car was cold so I cranked the heater as I headed over to my new school. I pulled into the parking lot and started heading to what looked like the main office.

The school was pretty standard looking, a little more graffiti than my last school but it reassured me. I pushed through the doors and into a warm reception room. An older lady with white hair was sitting behind the counter filling out papers. I hesitantly marched forward.

"Um, hi. My name is Lynn Canter, I'm new?" I trailed it off like a question, hoping the lady was kind to shy girls. She nodded but didn't day anything. I watched a she bustled around her desk until she found whatever she was looking for. She pulled up several papers.

"Here's your schedule, which also has your locker number and combo on it. I have also given you a school map and some papers that your parent or guardian will have to fill out. If you'll just take a seat one of our students should be along soon to give you a tour." She said gesturing to a couple of beaten metal folding chairs. I thanked her and took a seat. The office was large and had a couple other old ladies who were answering phones and filing papers. 

I  had only waited about five minutes, when a preppy  redheaded girl walked in. She was grinning at me and stuck out her hand.

"Hello! My name is Lindsay Garr, welcome to Hanson!" I took her hand and it nearly fell off with her enthusiastic shaking. 

"Come on let's go! Come on don't be shy!" She waved me over to a door that led outside and into the school. We walked through the halls as she pointed out classrooms, the cafeteria and bathrooms. I got many curious glances which I endured with my chin up and back straight. When it looked like the tour was over she looked me straight in the eye, her face deadly serious.

"This school isn't run by the teachers Lynn, It's run by the students. Gangs really. It's hard to survive in this school, heck this town, without protection. These aren't some rebel kids who want to feel powerful. These are legit, cruel kids who will hurt you." She bit her lip while I stood there dazed. "Just, be careful. Men are dominant here Lynn, don't be upset or spit out crap about feminism if they treat you different." And on that happy note, she left me adrift in the sea of kids who were heading for their homerooms.

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