The Tale of Artemis Crock

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Artemis was so sick and tired of this crap. Ever since Jade left, her father, Lawrence Crock, has been acting crazy. Sure that he trained her to be a killer but her actually killing someone, a line had to be drawn. The thing that ticked her off the most was that every time she messed up, her father would hit her for it. One time, she tried to stop him from killing an innocent man, he nearly beaten her to death. It landed her in the hospital with various broken bones and a nearly collapsed lung injury.

She had a chance to get out of this evil house and she took it. When her father was pass out drunk, she went out of the window. She packed a small sack full of clothes, toothbrush along with toothpaste, and her small teddy bear that her mother gave her before she was sent away to jail.

She trolled the streets of Gotham and soon found a diner to rest in. She took a seat next to the heater and ordered a cup of hot chocolate when a man in a black tuxedo and a Rolex on his wrist took a seat across from her.

"Can I help you?" Artemis asked coldly.

"Can I help you? Why is a child such as yourself doing in the worse part of town?" The man in the suit asked.

"None of you damn business," Artemis snapped at him.

"Why do young people swear so much these days?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Sorry. What do you want from me?" Artemis asked.

"I want to know why you are away from home. Where are your parents?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" Artemis asked as she reached for the knife.

"Because no child should be without a family," the man replied to her.

"You need to mind your business," Artemis said.

"You look hungry. At least let me get yourself something to eat," the man insisted.

"Fine," Artemis said letting her empty stomach do the talking.

The man told her to order herself what she wanted, which was an omelet along with bacon and a glass of juice. He asked her questions about her life and her family. She talked about now her mother was locked away in jai. Then she told him that her father trained her to be a master assassin. When she told how old she was, his jaw completely dropped. What kind of man trains his two young daughters to become killers. Artemis was twelve years old. What twelve year old would be raised in a place like that. No wonder she ran away. This man was completely nuts. He had to help this girl.

"Do you want to stay with me? You'll get food, warm bed, and two loving brothers," He offered.

"Why should I?" Artemis said in shock.

"I only want to make sure that you have a safe environment for you to grow up in. You don't have that in your own home and you won't get it on the streets," he explained.

"What are you going to do to me?" Artemis asked.

"Nothing inappropriate if that's what you're implying," He said as he grew serious.

"How do I know this?" Artemis asked.

"I wouldn't have two kids if I was. You don't have to say yes right away but the option is available," he explained.

She thought about this for several long minutes. She had a choice, stay on the streets or go with the stranger that has food and a bed. Not much of a choice there if you really think about it.

"Okay, but if you make one wrong move, you know what I'm capable of," Artemis warned.

"Fair enough," he said as he finished coffee. "We can leave after you eat," he added.

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