My secret powers

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Hi I am Katherine (everyone calls me Kat) and this is a book about my secret powers! To keep you reading you don't get to know my secret powers right away. But this is how it all started!

Like most every 12 year old girl I go to school, have friends, do sports, babysit, blah blah blah. So one day I was walking to school and I get a text from the parent of the kid I babysit asking of I could pick him up from school and look after him for awhile. I said sure! But the odd thing was she wanted me to do it at a different house.

After I got through my day at school with whiny teachers and annoying boys I went to go pick up the kid from his class room. The kids name is Robert. Rob for short. Rob is in kindergarten.

When we got to the house there was a note on the door saying there was a key under the mat and food and snacks inside. Rob was all confused because we weren't at his or my house frankly I was confused too . After I got Rob settled in and fed we started on his homework.

About half way through his reading I heard the sound of someone trying to get the door open. I told Rob to stay there while I check to see who it is. I looked out the window, but no one was there. I went back thinking it was my imagination. Boy was I ever wrong! I heard it again,and again then suddenly BANG!! I heard a gun shot. Rob literally jumped 2 feet into my arms begging me not to leave him. I said as calmly as I could here is my phone if I yell 'apples' call 9-1-1 and I will be with you as soon as I can. But if I call 'oranges' call 9-1-1 because I am trapped and can't get out, and if I call 'bananas' it is all clear." Rob nodded. I could see tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. Once Rob was hidden and safe I went to see what was going on. First I checked the house. As I was going up stairs, my head rapidly turning from side to side, with my arms out in front of me, a picture came into my hands! I thought that was kind of weird, a few seconds ago that picture was on the wall in front of me.

I was thinking that was a nice picture... I put the picture down silently and kept walking. When I got upstairs I looked in every room and closet. It was all clear. As I was coming down stairs to tell Rob that it was all ok inside, one of his toy cars came flying into my hands. Again CRAZY! I was thinking that the colour was nice. I decided not to tell Rob about that and the picture.

When I found Rob he was in tears, clutching the phone. When he saw me he relaxed a little. I gave him a great big hug! When I tried to stand up he was still holding me around my neck. I laughed a little and fell over. We both started to laugh! When we got settled I told him it was all clear inside. I grabbed my phone and called his mom and my parents. His mom said we did everything right and she would be home soon. After I locked all the doors and looked out the window. They caught the guy and the police were here taking him away. When Rob's mom got home she thanked me immensely and gave me 5 extra dollars. I asked her why we weren't at her house and she said that her house was getting fumigated. She said she would recommend me to everyone she knew to baby sit. At lease one good thing came out of that! I sprinted home to tell my mom and dad the whole story during dinner. Except the part about the things flying into my hands.

That night I watched a movie on Netflix with my mom about a 16 year old boy who has a power to grab things with his mind. Kind of like what happen to me today... I got a little suspicious so when my parents went out on a walk I went to my room and tried it. I thought about my pillow, put my arm out towards it, and believe it or not it came flying into my hands! I didn't believe it so I tried again with something else. Again the same results! I didn't know what to think. The next day, Saturday, I called one of my friends. Her name is Abigail. Abby for short. This is how our conversation went.

Abby: Hey Kat what up?

Me: Abby, something weird happened to me yesterday and if I tell you over the phone you won't believe it so I need you to come over right now.

Abby: Come on, please tell me now. It's not like you got a secret power or anything! Just tell me now!

Me: You need to come over RIGHT NOW.

Abby: Fine be there in five.

Once Abby got here and I showed her my power she agreed that she wouldn't have believe it over the phone. Abby tried but didn't succeed. She said I should tell my parents. I was scared to because I thought they would take me to the doctor, science lab, or just tell the news. I finally got the nerve to tell them, but I made them promise not to tell ANYONE with out my permission. I made Abigail promise that too. After that I started using my powers more around the house and when no one was looking and life became ALOT easier. But I promised my self not to get too carried away and use my powers to get EVERYTHING. But a few things is fun!


That is the end of the first chapter! Will be more coming soon about different powers! No hate I am only 12 on my mom's split account with me, first book I every tried to write!

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