Chapter Nine: Are You Awake?

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•~•Aiyyyu. Wassup? Half 1k reads, wow. Let's get to 525, too much? Mencintaimu <3!

Lizzy's POV

"Ring!" That second, I picked up my phone and swiped the screen, seeing my that my mom was calling me.

"Hello?" I said when I picked up.

"Elizabeth sweetie, I'm engaged!"

What about me? Don't you care?

"That's... great mom."

"What's wrong now?" She asked, clearly annoyed about how blunt I sounded to her.

Pushing the phone closer to my ear, I started yelling and screaming at my mom about random stuff.

After I calmed down a bit and stopped yelling, I saw that she had ended the call.

Everyone near the sidewalk looked at me as if I was some crazy teenaged girl standing on the sidewalk screaming weirdly. Little did I they know, I was really that.

Ironic right?

Fuming, I jumped along the streets through the many people and their families.

Recap: "It's fine," I heard a guy's voice call behind me.

That one voice, that made me stop dead in my tracks and turn around to see the person I just ran into.

He wouldn't remember me would he?

I am wearing a black jacket and I'm not holding a box of cupcakes anymore. It's fine cause he's cute though.

He waved at me from the distance while I stood there, still frozen in my state of surprise.

Awkwardly, I waved back to him until a big swoosh of air flew passed me and made my hair go flying all around my face.

To my side, the black Lamborghini zipped passed me and broke at the end of street where the person was standing.

The doors opened up and a black figure stepped out greeting the guy, bro-hugging each other.

They conversed before getting in the car and doing a sharp u-turn, continuing to zoom down the hill to where I was standing.

Suddenly, the passenger tinted window rolled down and a guy said something about waiting here for some minutes, not just a random guy, but the guy who gave me the box of cupcakes this afternoon.

While they drove down the road, probably going fifty over the speed limit, I ran the opposite way all the way back to the bank, into the busy city again.

Stuffing my hands in my jacket pockets, I kept walking until I felt something different about the pocket. There was a piece of paper in it.

Having a tight grip on it, I pulled it out and unfold the white and torn paper.

On there little scribbles I made into words lead to me pulling out my phone and instantly searching up the name on Skype to see if it had any matches.

As I typed in the last letter, a picture popped up of the guy in the passenger seat.

Reading the note one last time, I clarified that this was written a couple days ago.

Skyoe me wIen yov hove tine -V.
_____(I don't know Vikk's Skype name)_____

~0~ Three Weeks Later ~0~

Lizzy's POV

That night when I Skype called the person, too curious to find out if it was the real Vikkstar123 or not, he picked up and we talked for hours about random things.

His Stupid Lies (Vikkstar123)Where stories live. Discover now