My Big Brother and His Tribe

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It's time for a new chapter!
I hope this one is going to satisfy you guys but school might get in the way of updates.
Sorry for any misspelling, skipped words, and grammar error.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or the characters.

Published: August 13, 2015 (I think)
Edited: February 26, 2016
Re-edited: March 15, 2016


Wind starts to circulate around Natsu, who is recovering from being slapped by reality, stars with very sharp tips start to appear, all continuously cutting Natsu until 3 minutes passed. When the spell was finally over Natsu fell to the ground unconscious, various cuts and gashes showering his body.

~~ ~~~Chapter 2~~~~~

Normal POV

"Natsu!!" Lisanna yelled, worried for Natsu. She looked angrily at Lucy, "You didn't have to hurt my boyfriend that bad, bitch!"

What? Why did my chest hurt when she said that? Lucy's eyes widen in realization, could it be that very, very, very deep down a part of me still longs for him? Lucy scoffed, no way.

"He got what he asked for, a fight" Lucy stated, shrugging.

Lisanna glared dangerously at Lucy, she screamed, "That fight was one-sided and you know it! I saw what happened in that forest when you were training!"

She saw!? Lucy's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Lu-chan what's she talking about" Levy asks curiously.

"It's nothing to worry about Levy-chan."

"If you say so then I believe you," the blue haired girl replied.

Lucy smiled, I can always count on you Levy, I promise I'll tell you the complete truth about my em- Lucy's thoughts were cut off by Lisanna.

"You believe her! Levy I'll tell what happened, while Lucy was meditating she unconsciously de-"

Lucy growled dangerously low, "One more peep out of your mouth and I can't guarantee your safety." This little threat managed to shut Lisanna up.

"The guild already went back inside and Wendy most likely finished healing Natsu, so let's go back in, okay?" Levy suggested.

Lucy nodded, "Sure, let's go."


Upon entering the guild Lucy, Levy, and Lisanna saw Natsu leaving the infirmary. "Natsu!" Lisanna shouted happily, running top speed to hug her boyfriend. The impact made Natsu grunt in pain.

Of course, Lisanna didn't notice this. Natsu gasped out,"Lis.."



"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Lisanna apologized, quickly letting him go.

"What still hurts?" she asked. "Everything but my legs and arms."

Lisanna giggled and started kissing almost every part of Natsu's body, giving him one last kiss on the lips.

"Hey, get a room flamebrain!" Gray shouted.

Lisanna blushed, hard, "Shut up you popsicle, your just jealous!" Natsu remarks.

Gray scoffs,"What's to be jealous of, your girlfriend."

Lisanna looked indifferent, "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

Lucy sat at the bar watching as another fight between Gray and Natsu occurred. She sighed and turned back to her milkshake.

"What's wrong Lucy," Mira asked concerned for her friend.

"Nothing important....when's Laxus and his tribe coming back?"

"They should be back any minute, I recall," Mira answered.

"Oh, where's Ezra?"

"She left on a mission."

"Kay, thanks Mira," Lucy smiled.

Mira returned the gesture, "Its okay, no problem at all, Lucy."

Lucy finished her shake and turned to leave the guild when Laxus walked through doors.

Lucy immediately brightened up, "Laxus-nii! I missed you!"

Lucy ran and jumped onto Laxus.

"Whoa, calm down Lu" Lucy only smiled and giggled.

She looked up, "Hey, where's the tribe?"

"They are right behind me," Laxus's sweat dropped.

"Hello Miss Lucy" said the oh-so-formal Freed Justine.

"FREED! It was so boring without you here" Lucy said crying animated tears.

"Oh, really, what about Levy?"

"It was fun talking to her but it's not the same when your not here for me to try and outsmart."

"And how many times have you?" Freed asked smirking.

Lucy frowned, "Not once."

"So how was the mission" Lucy asked remembering why they were gone in the first place.

"Hehe, Freed got his butt kicked by the girl group we were supposed to catch," Evergreen said smirking. Lucy raised an eyebrow at Freed.

He blushed, "Hey! T-They were in b-b-bikinis!"

Lucy smiled, "Got to flustered to fight, huh?"

"Wow, it's pretty late I think I'll go home," Lucy said, turning to leave the guild.

"See ya tomorrow minna!" Lucy waved goodbye.

"Be careful Lu."

"Bye Lu-chan!"

"Have a safe walk home, Lucy!"

Lucy's POV

After hearing everyone's response, I pushed open the guild doors and walked out, breathing the fresh outside air. I start my walk home, when I see the canal I jump on the edge and continue walking. If your wondering isn't that dangerous? Really it is, but I love the small adventurous feeling I always get walking this way.

I need someone to walk with, "Open, Gate of the Canis Minor, Nikola!"

"Pun Punn!"

"Hey, Plue mind walking with me?" I asked, Plue shook his head no and we continued our walk to the apartment.

The walk home was spent with me asking Plue what's been going on in the spirit world, not that I completely understood him. Finally we arrived at my apartment, "Thanks for keeping me company Plue, you can go back now."

"Punn Pun," Plue said(?) and left in a flash of golden light.

I entered my apartment, took off and threw my fluffy cape on my couch, and walked into the bathroom. I started running my bath, then I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich for dinner. After eating I stopped my bath water, brushed my teeth, undressed and got in the tub. I soaked for about 15 minutes after getting cleaned and washing my hair. Deciding it was time I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and exited the bathroom.

I put on matching black lace undergarments, a red tank top, and white shorts. I got under the blankets with one thought, today was a long day, what will happen tomorrow? I finally let myself get some sleep after a long day.

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