Chapter 4

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"So you're telling us that we have Super powers" said Brenda. "Yes, you have super abilities. But each of you has different one that match your characteristic and your nature. For example Jeffrey has 2 special abilities. He has the power to transform to any dinosaur he desires and he has super sonic speed." Jeffrey couldn't believe what he was hearing so he tried it for him self. His eyes squinted and I could tell he was thinking because he had the constipated face. After a couple of minutes right in front of us was a Tyrannosaur-Rex. It was funny because the dinosaur also had the constipated look when he tried to go back as a human. "I can't believe this. This is so FREAKIN AWESOME!"He yelled. "Yes it is but that's not all Brenda has the ability to make weapons appear out of no where and you're a master of any kind. All you have to do is just hold it and in your mind you will see its purpose and use it as if you have been practicing for years." "You can't be serious?"Brenda questions "I have to see this for myself." She grabbed a pocket knife from her pocket and opened it. She looked at the trees and listened. We watched her and thought she looked ridicules. Then out of no where a squirrel popped out and Brenda threw her knife. Not only did she make her target but she shot they squirrel in the eye. "Wow!" "What about me?" Amaris screamed out. "You Amaris, have super sonic sound waves that can destroy anything in its path. You make a sound that only canaries can make. All you have to do is reach the highest pitch you can make." Amaris then had that gleam in her eye and faced an empty path. Then she screamed. All the trees in that path were blown away and so did everything else. The spirit then faced Alex. "Alex have you ever heard of a person that was bitten by a toxic spider and had spider powers." "OMG!! YESSS!!"He shrieked. But he soon calm down and manly up. "Yes, I heard of such thing his name is Spiderman." "Well you have those same abilities."The spirit then looked at Juan and Pamela. "Juan is a werewolf that has super strength and Pamela has the ability of a cat and even can turn into a human size cat." I looked at them and it all made sense to me and I guess to them as well. "What about me? Don't forget me!"Alexis yelled "Or me," I said. "Well you Alexis have superhuman strength just like wonder woman." "But where's the bracelets and rope?" "Well just like Wonder Woman you have to earn them. And as for you Victoria you have something special." "Like what? Am I a flyer or shape sifter or maybe a telepath?" "Well you are all of them in a way. You are a telepath that can copy everyone else power or anybodies power and use them as your own." My mouth stood open in shock but it made sense at what happen at McDonalds. I remember now as Juan pinned me down I felt his strength and used as my own and held him against the floor instead. "Why has this happen? What are we going to do now?" Alex asked. The spirit then made a sigh. "Because there will be an invasion that will come soon." Amaris then asked "Invasion? Invasion of what?" "The invasion of Los Stupidos. And you guys must defeat their leader. You all must train right away." Before we knew the flame inside the rock grabbed all of us and sucked us into it where we will find a place where we will try our hardest to survive.

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