Chapter 1

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Summer break was finally over and it was time to go back to school.
You woke up in the morning to get ready for school. You did your daily routine you brushed your teeth took a quick shower and got dressed. You went down stairs smelling the delicious aroma of pancakes,bacon, & eggs. You see your mom cooking the yummy food and greeted her
" good morning mom"
" good morning honey "
You sat down and ate your breakfast you looked at the time and quickly ran to put on your shoes
" bye mom " you yelled
" bye honey have a good day at school "
You quickly ran to school before the bell ring. You saw your best friend Jessica walking in the building of the school you ran too her
" hey Jessica "
" hey y/n "
" I can't believe summer is over and we have to go back to school "
" I know right I don't even want to go back to school yet "
You both then walked into school lots of the girls at your school all got taller,prettier, & skinnier. While you didn't even changed one bit expect you put on a little weight during summer because their was so many delicious food to eat. You weren't that chubby just okay looking. You and your best friend was walking into school when you both heard screaming and cheering from somewhere.
" what is all this screaming & cheering about " you asked your best friend. When you saw her screaming & cheering as well
" OMG its BTS "
" who is BTS "
" their the hot new boys who transferred here omg their so sexy & cute "
You decided to take a peek to see who they were you saw 7 good looking boys walking down the hall way. You thought they were good looking but you didn't want to be one of those Crazy girls who fan girls over ordinary boys. When the bell rang you quickly rushed to class you ran so fast that your head bumped into some one chest.
" watch where your going next time "
" I'm so sorry I didn't see you there "
You bowed and looked up and saw those 7 good looking boys. You bowed one more time and apologize you looked at the boy you head bumped into and looked at his name tag
" Park Jimin "
So that's his name. he just looked at you and shoulder bumped you and left. You turned around and saw them leaving you quickly ran to class before the teacher came in
" phew right on time"
You walked to your sit you were sitting in the back by yourself while your best friend Jessica was sitting two seats up with someone. Everyone quickly stood and up greeted the teacher when she came in
" hello class I am your teacher Mrs. Lee I hope we will have great year together in this class but today we have a new student joining us today "
The student walked in and all the girls started getting excited. You looked up and saw PARK JIMIN the boy you head bumped earlier
" everyone this is jimin Park jimin so I want everyone to all be nice to the new student "
" YES Mrs. Lee "
" okay Jimin let me find you a seat to sit "
" OHH NO please not next to me I already feel awkward about what happened this morning "
" ahh okay jimin I will put you right next to y/n "
" OHH NO " you said to yourself
You saw jimin walked to his set next to you and you greeted him
" hello my name is y/n " you stuck out your hand for a handshake and he just looked at you and turned back to the board. You thought to yourself this boy is rude.

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