Chapter 9

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After you texted jimin you laid there going into deep thoughts
" why would he care if I ignore him "
" maybe he likes me"
No probably not he probably just needed me to be his Slave again. You were laying down feeling sleepiness take over you.
The next day you woke up and got ready for school. You were walking to school when someone called your name
" Y/N "
" jhope oppa "
It took you a second to realize what you just called him.
" oh sorry i don't know why I called you that"
" no it's fine I like you calling me oppa and call me hoseok oppa it's cuter when you call me by my real name "
You started to blush
" sorry about yesterday "
" it's fine jimin is always been stubborn like that next time I will walk you home y/n and you don't need to apologize how can I stay mad at a cute girl like you "
" cute "
" yes cute I think your very cute "
Now you were really blushing really hard that your felt your face heating up. Seconds later you heard someone else call your name
" Y/N "
" jimin ah "
" I texted you why didn't you answer me "
" you texted me "
You quickly took out your phone but it was turned off
" sorry my phone was turned off "
He walked over and grabbed your wrist but jhope grabbed the other side of your other wrist
" yah jimin ah you can't just keep coming and dragging y/n whenever you want you know she doesn't like it"
" it's none of your business hyung "
" it doesn't matter I'm your hyung you need to stop doing this to her "
" hoseok opp- "
You stopped and looked at jimin and you saw anger in his eyes
" I mean hoseok it's okay "
" no y/n it's not okay he can't just control you "
When jhope said that jimin let go of your wrist
" fine whatever I don't care anymore " and he left
" are you okay y/n "
" yeah I'm fine but I think I need to go check on jimin "
" sorry again "
You bowed and ran to catch up with jimin
I was waiting for y/n to come to school but i waited for 30min now and she still hasn't showed up so I decided to text her I waited 10min and she still didn't text back. So I thought I should just go and find her I was walking when I saw y/n and jhope together again. I don't know why but I started feeling jealous and mad just seeing what was going on jhope was making y/n laugh and giggled which made me really angry and she didn't even answer my text. So I walked over there. Things went badly when I went over there so I just left.
" maybe y/n is really over me and is starting to like hyung I feel this jealous inside of me but I know I still like Julie my feelings are really confused at the moment.
I was sitting down on the bench when I heard someone voice
" jimin "
I turned my head hopping to see y/n but it was only Julie
" Julie what are you doing here "
" I was just getting some fresh air and I saw you what's wrong "
" just confused that's all "
" why are you confused "
" why are you being so nice to me all of sudden I thought you hated me after what happened "
" I'm sorry jimin I didn't mean to hurt you after I had time to think I felt really and about what happened so you think you can forgive me "
I smiled and nodded and hugged her I felt happy that she is at least realising me now but at the same time I also didn't feel as happy.
Your POV
after you told jhope you were going to go look for jimin you ran around looking for him and you saw him sitting on the bench your were about to call him
" JIM-"
But you were cut off when someone else called him it was Julie of course it was her. You were watching them for a while until jimin hugged her tightly. You just couldn't stand too see what was going on anymore you turned around and left.
" I guess I will just talk to him when he is alone "
The whole class period all you could think about was when jimin hugged Julie you admit you are not over jimin at all. It's hard to get over someone who you are starting to fall in love with already. After class you were walking when you saw jimin all alone
" Jimin ah "
" what do you want "
" look I'm sorry I didn't answer your text but my phone did really died "
" that's not what I'm worried about "
" then what is it "
" you don't need to worry "
" okay well now that this is all settle, I will commit to being your slave for a month and I will stay by your side "
" good you better be committed and I already have a job for you "
" what already "
" didn't you just say you would be committed to it "
" fine "
You quietly followed him
" clean up the band room it's really messy in there "
" what why is it so messy "
" it's where BTS hangouts when we're practicing music now clean it up "
" Fine "
After he left you sticked out your tongue at him
You quickly grabbed all the cleaning supplies and started cleaning. While you were mopping you randomly started dancing and singing. You were so into your singing and dancing you didn't even hear jimin come in. You were singing and dancing when your heard someone clap and it startled you
" when did you get in here "
He laugh at you
" just now "
" You didn't see anything I did right "
" I saw everything and it was horrible"
And he just started laughing at you. You turned feeling embarrassed he just saw you.
" yah come on let's go "
" where "
He didn't say anything else and just dragged you along. You smiled when he grabbed your hands. You guys came to a park you guys sat down on the bench
" ahhhh the air feels nice "
" y/n can I ask you something "
" sure "
" am I a bad person "
" of course your not jimin why would you say that "
" because I fee like what I'm about to say is going to make me a bad person and you might hate me forever "
You were starting to get scared about what he was going to say to you
" what why what happened tell me "
" I don't want you too think because I'm desperate "
" just tell me already jimin "

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