Chapter 3

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After your teacher asked you to tutor jimin you both left.
" I don't need you to tutor me you can just tell Mrs. Lee that you have been tutoring me "
" no I can't lie to Mrs. Lee that i have Been tutoring you when i haven't so tomorrow after school were going to go to the library "
" I don't really care about the grade so your just wasting your time Tutoring me " He said after he left you there. You went home feeling so tired and down. That you fell asleep and forgot to eat dinner. Your mom came in to tell you to go eat dinner but you were so tired that you didn't eat your dinner.
The next day you woke up around 5 and there was still 2 hours before school start so you decided to get up and get dressed and go to school early. As usual you did your daily routine and went down Stairs it was quiet so your mom was still sleeping. You just decided to make some toast and leave after you made your toast you left a note on the refrigerator telling your mom you left early this morning. When you got to school there was nobody here at school yet there was probably like 6 people here so you went into the class room and just decided to tap a nap. When you were sleeping you felt someone Tap you and you woke up
" hey your  y/n "
" yes how did you know my name "
" it's on your name tag "
" oh so what's your name "
" my name is Jung hoseok but you can call me jhope "
" okay so what are you doing here so early in the Morning "
" I didn't want to hear all the fan girls screaming so I decided to come early"
" it must be hard with all those fan girls chasing you everyday "
" I'm so tired of all these fan girls I mean we are just regular boys "
" well I mean if you guys didn't look so good they probably wouldn't fan girl" 
you joked
Jhope sat down and you and him talked until it was almost time for class he was very friendly and funny.
" well I have to go it was nice talking to you y/n "
" you too "
He turned and waved and walked out of your class. To be honest you didn't want him to leave yet it was fun talking to him you learned that you two had a lot in common. Your best friend walked into the room
" OMG y/n there is going to be a dance next month and I really want us to go"
" I don't know if I want to go because I'm not into all that partying stuff "
" come one we have to go maybe one of the BTS member might even ask me "
you laughed a little at her cuteness. The bell has rang and all everyone stood up and greeted the teacher. You looked over to your right side and jimin still hasn't showed up yet. About 5min later he came into the class room
" Mr. Park why are you late to class "
" I over slept "
" don't be late to class next time go take a seat "
Jimin came and sat down in his seat and put his head down. The bell has rang and school has ended and you remember that you had to tutor jimin.
" Hey jimin don't you remember we have to go to the library "
" I don't want to go to the library "
You were fed up with this stubborn kid so if he wanted to act like a kid I was going too treat him like a kid then, you grab his arm and dragged him to the library.

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