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I have about two things I want to talk about in this A/N.

First off, I haven't been updating as I normally have because I've been having a lot of writer blocks lately, but I have been able to overcome them all so far. I'm sorry I haven't been updating so much. School is also coming up for me in a couple of weeks, and I probably also won't be able to post chapters that much either. But I will try my best! And just in case you're wondering, I'm also currently working on the next chapter, so it should be out by today or tomorrow. (If I don't have another writers block or I'm just not lazy). Where I live around at least.

Lastly, I want to thank you all because so many of you are reading my story! OVER 1k?!?!?!
WWWHHHHAAAATTTT?!?!?!?! I had never even imagined that I would reach that number. And all of the positive comments that I'm getting! Thank you all so much! I never really thought any of you would like what I, WHAT I actually write! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! :D

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