Are You My Hero?

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Okay,so I decided I should just upload as soon as I can. And since I have nothing better to do than write, talk on the phone, or read...

Here I am.

Chapter Title:

Are You My Hero?


Waking up, my eyes adjusted to the white light above me. At first I thought I was dead. But the annoying beep beep on the side of my bed was something I just didn't think happened when you died. My eyes felt like they weighed more than an elephants butt. I struggles to move my body, and adjust my eyes.

Heat swelled on my arm and I immediately was taken back to my living room. Where Andy laid in top of me. His body smashed against mine unwillingly.


My whimpers were becoming silent as his shaft lightly glided along my stomach. He kissed me and I wanted to vomit into his mouth. His hands roamed over my chest as his mouth trailed down to my neck. He sucked and bit way to hard for my liking.

Slowly, he positioned himself at my entrance.

"Sophie!" I heard, jumping back to reality. The voice sounded urgent and I looked to the side of me, eyes finally capable of seeing. Its almost as if they were open for awhile now.

My eyes landed on Diana and I felt my tears coming down again. "Oh My God!!!" I screamed wincing slightly at how loud I was in this quiet place.

She swept her hand on the top of my head gently shushing me. "shhh, hon. you've been here for a few days." my eyes widened and I looked around the room.

My eyes saw many different colors, but they landed on the most beautiful astonishing flowers I have ever seen. Purple Orchids. The person who sent those, had to be related to me because no one knew my favorite flower except my family.

"How long have I been here?" I asked not moving my gaze from the orchids. Something about those flowers brought tranquility throughout my entire body. Feeling myself relax into the hospital bed I could feel the eyes on me.

"Two weeks." The breath that escaped my mouth came out low, jagged and through my teeth. My eyes shut closed and I fell off the face of reality, back into the nightmare that brought me there in the first place.

As Andy's buddy poked at my entrance, not fully going in, but teasing me with just the tip my body became wet in response to the touch.

I didn't know why I wasn't trying to scream, or where the hell Diana was but I knew I had to do something soon, or else he is going to take the last of my dignity.

Mustering up what was left of me, I felt him slowly dig inside of me, his head dipping into the crook of my neck, a groan escaping his mouth, and finally I decided it was time to become alive.

I screamed, the loudest I could from the very pit of my stomach to my throat, causing Andy to jump off me before finally thrusting himself inside of me, and fall to the ground, but not before I heard him cuss in pain, cover is ears, and hit his head.

Suddenly my door was kicked open and I heard my name being called in many directions. One voice of panic. Another voice of anger. And finally, a voice of familiarity. A voice of calm.

My body felt weightless and I thought for sure I was going to die, emotionally and physically. As my eyes shut my body was lifted and I could feel the faint drops of rain gingerly touch my face and my body, a new sensation from the cold overtook me other than the disturbing heat from Andy's body.

And I had never felt any better than when I heard that familiar voice, "Don't worry, Phia. I'm right here. Stay awake for me, baby girl."

But I couldn't.

And suddenly I wondered...

If Zack is dead, who the hell just called me Phia?

But when I peaked through my lashes at the man holding my naked body in his arms, I saw him. I saw Zack. And my eyes rolled to the back of my head, causing me to completely black out.


There you go!


Throw whatever you want!


I'm amazome. ;)




Don't have to love it,

hell you can even hate it,

I don't Care,

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Thanks you guys!!!!

Potatoes and Tomatoes!



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