Wide Awake

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Dedication to SomeoneLovesYou! 

I'm a fan of your work, as you know, but we needs to investigate!



Wide Awake

Waking up from my dream, I took in the light, and the beep beep once again. I was never fond of hospitals but can't complain this time. I was actually glad I was put here. Being under Andy, my ex-foster-brother, I needed a mighty good cleaning. I laid here thinking about what happened. Why would he do that to me? I never did anything to him when I grew up with him, except report him to Officer Templeton.

Someone cleared their throat next to me and my eyes flashed around the room. Crap, speak of the devil.

"Sophie..." His eyes darted from me and the door. "I know you're having a hard time right now, but we need some statements from you regarding what happened at your house."

I nodded and he spoke into his radio on his shoulder. Men started piling into the room. Very familiar cops but I was starting to feel uncomfortable with this many men in the room.

Speaking to Officer Templeton about what happened surprised me with how calm I was. I was literally seconds away from being raped, yet I can't remember the last time I was so calm. To tell you the truth, I felt more uncomfortable with the cops getting samples under my fingers and the nurse between my legs while they were watching. The one thing that stirred me wrong was when I was telling the end of the story. Where someone was carrying me... Someone who sounded exactly like...

"Officer Templeton, what happened to Zack?" I asked having to make sure I wasn't completely delusional.

Almost as if I always asked this question he replied with, "I told you, Sophie..." He paused and sighed. "You're family was in a car accident. They all died."

I nodded thinking about what the person carrying me loomed like. He looked spitting image of Zack. The brown shaggy hair, tan that killed, and of course I could remember the feel of his body. The body that used to give me piggy back rides constantly, and tickle me awake every day.

I looked around the room once more and everyone was gone except Officer Templeton. He looked at me concern on his face. "If you need anything you'll call me, right? You have my number."

I nodded and he put a bag next to me on the bed. I realized it was some of my personal belongings, my phone, laptop, clothes, chargers. I thanked him and watched as he left out the door.

I relaxed into the bed after plugging up my phone and turning it on. Soon I was dozing off to sleep.


"I'm waking up, 

I feel it in my bones, 

Love to make my system go, 

Welcome to the new age, 

To the new age, 

Welcome to the new age, 

To the new age."

Getting startled awake by my ringtone I answered it not looking at the caller i.d.

"Hello?" I answered, sleep deep in my voice.

"Hey, its Trevor. Are you okay? I've been calling you, but no one was answering."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Trevor." I looked at my phone, almost positive it was a weekday. And sure enough it was Friday. "Aren't you in school?"

"Yeah. But Diana and I are worried about you. So we ditched." Something muffled in the back ground, and he came back, "hold on Diana wants to talk to you."

"Hey," I heard before I could answer, "I'm coming to see you after school okay? Sorry for not being there hen you woke up, but I had to go to school and-"

"Diana!" I yelled into the phone interrupting her, "its fine. Now shut up. I just woke up. You would've been bored."

"So, you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine I told you."

"Okay then. Here's Trevor."

"Okay-" I started just to be interrupted by the shrill of the bell.

"Hey, Sophie, I have to go. I'll see you later, alright?" Trevor said before he hung up. I nodded and put my phone down. God these people are something else.

A knock sounded at the door a little while after I got off the phone while I was coming back from the bathroom.

"Come in!!" I yelled. It was only the doctor.

But when they opened the door I gasped and I could feel my heart speed up. What the buttfuck?

My eyes began to roll to the back of my head as the last thought rolled through my head and I fainted once again...

I knew he wasn't dead.


There you go guys! Next chapter.

I bet you guys know who it is, but just a question who do you think it is?

Thanks for reading!

Already gonna start writing the next chapter. Hopefully it will be up in the next three or four hours!!!




Don't have to love it,

hell you can even hate it,

I don't Care,

Just let me know your opinions!!!!

Thanks you guys!!!!

Limes and Lemons


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