Chapter 5 - Saviour

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"Come on Kev just do it already!"

"I am trying Tigress, it's just not perfect position."

"Kevin you are making me restless!" I groaned.

"Wait," Kevin said testing my patience for a millionth time.

"Kevin!" I hissed.

"Fine I'll do it!" Kevin said running hand through his hair.

Did I mention Kevin's hair makes mine want to commit suicide from shame? Though I don't voice my appreciation on daily basis because if I did, his ego will just gain a boost. But I have mentioned him once or twice about how much I love his hair.

"Finally!" I sighed in relief and Giselle pushed him towards the reception desk. Kevin shot her a glare while I high fived her.

We were currently hiding around the corner from which we could get a clear view of the receptionist, Ms. Gonzales. Kevin was being a baby to go approach her and I have zero clue why because he usually could charm girls unintentionally. Now if he does that with specific reason I was hoping it wouldn't end up as disaster.

"Hey Ms. Gonzales," Kevin said scratching the back of his neck.

"Rose did you forget to teach him your moves?" Giselle hissed besides me.

What moves? I don't have any moves!

Ignoring her I paid attention back to Ms. Gonzales. "Oh hi Kev- Master Evans."

"She makes me want to throw up," I said clutching my stomach.

"Jealous?" Giselle smirked.

Rolling my eyes, I heard Kevin said, "I was searching for you."

Dumb move alert! She's a receptionist you find her at her table not a teacher you go in search of.

"You definitely forgot to teach him moves," Giselle chuckled besides me. "He rather smile and cast a spell on her than opening his mouth."

"I agree," I replied, sighing.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Kevin said awkwardly.

"Kev- Master Evans it is against the rules-" Ms Gonsales hesitated.

"Please Ms. Gonzales. I really need to tell you something important. Please,"
Kevin lowered his gaze to hers, looking right into her eyes and pulled out the 'you-can't-reject-my-sexy-voice-and-equally-seductive-eyes' card. And she was down! Even before she could say a word I knew she was down for anything he wants.

She did go out, leaving her oh-so-precious laptop behind and Giselle and I broke in. Giselle easily accessed the data transferring it to her laptop but we couldn't read the details, considering it could take more time than intended.

Shutting down stuff and arranging everything back to how it was previously we left trying not to act suspicious.

"Get that details to Seth and tell him to print it," I said to Giselle before parting ways.

"Text Kevin about the success. Poor King must be stuck with that clingy woman!" Giselle laughed.

I was about to text Kevin when a wonderful idea blinked.

'Can't get the files, keep her busy for next hour - Tigress'

Smirking internally, I went towards the classrooms where detention were usually held. Looking into one of the classroom, I found what I was looking for.

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