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  Jordan's pov...

       I was completely drenched in sweat and I kind of hated the way my shirt was sticking to chest, so I decided to take off my shirt and continue my morning jog. I had my earphones on, listening to some really good music. I was so caught up with the music, that I was singing along to the song and I wasn't really looking where I was going.
" Oh! Ma'am, I'm so sorry" I said apologetically to the old lady I just bumped into and bent over to pick up her walking stick.

" You children of nowadays, bumping into old women like it's nothing, I swear you kids are going blind? Good for nothing lousy kids. Idiots of our generation" She yelled and glared at me waving her hands in the air for emphasis and rambling some more obscene words. For an old woman, she sure has a wide vocabulary of very colourful languages. I just apologized once more and gave her back her walking stick which seemed to be a bad idea because eventually, she swung that thing at my head but missed. I scurried quickly and kept on with my morning jog and I could faintly hear that old woman still cursing. Wow. Somebody must have woken up at the wrong side of the bed.
     I jogged more for just few more kilometres and I made it back to the building which I hated calling home. I quickly got pass the gates and as I approached my front door, I saw some people taking stuff out of my house. Stuff that looked like.........MINE! I quickly removed my earphones and rushed over to the guys who just finished moving my stuff out of the house and asked them what they were doing. They said my father told them to donate them to charity. WHAT!? CHARITY? I don't remember ever agreeing to this or signing any papers. What's going on?
     As I reached forward for the door knob of my front door, It wouldn't budge, it was locked. I decided to knock on the door in case somebody would open up the damned door. No answer. I went to the back door and it was locked too. I turned to look at the people who took my stuff out and they were currently loading it into a van. I told them to stop that this was some big misunderstanding but they just shook their heads and should me a document my dad signed. I couldn't convince them to stop, so they let with my things. My beloved guitar was part of it.
" Arrrghh!!!"I shouted in annoyance. I was completely ticked off. I went back to the front door and poured my anger out on it.
" I know someone's in there, I don't care who, all I want is this door open!" I was shouting and banging the door at the same time. I was really looking forward to having a nice warm bath and just kicking back and relax but noooo.... this had to happen, plus I really loved that guitar those charity guys took, now I might never see it again thanks to the guy I call dad.
" OPEN THIS DAMNED DOOR!" I furiously kicked the door. I couldn't even believe there wasn't even a single scratch on that door. Stupid wood.
"Your so going down" I glared at the door, giving it a mischievous smile.I was about to complete wreck havoc on that door.
"JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled because i was rudely interrupted from my showdown with my front door by somebody from the balcony dumping ice water on me.
"Are you insane!?" I pointed at my head looking up to my attacker at the balcony who was no other than my dad.
"DAD! WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled from the top of lungs.
"Charity took my stuff, some of my clothes, one of my designer shoes but most importantly MY GUITAR!" I rose my voice at the last part, he knew just how much I loved it.

"I want you out of my house now!" He pointed his finger towards the gates.

"B-B-But dad...Can't we talk this over? I'm still young and I'm soaking wet. F-"

"GET OUT!" He demanded. Shesh, calm down. I know he threatened me before in the past about leaving his house but I never thought he would be damn serious and he didn't have to dump freezing water on me, now I'm shivering a little.

"Okay but can't I get the keys to my-"

"I SAID OUT!" he further demanded and I was dumbfounded. Great, just great, now where the hell I'm I going to go? SOAKING WET!

♥♥♥♥Authors note♥♥♥♥

Hi, thanks for reading my book. Please, please be patient with it as it will get better.It's my first book here and please go easy on me and point out those evil typos.
Note: The people casted as my characters are just for the main time and might be recasted soon.

Thanks again.

Deception of perception (TO BE REWRITTEN )(slow update/on hold)Where stories live. Discover now