Intro to characters

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Machia Wang (muh-kai-uh)✌🏿️
-14 years old
-10th grader
-Nice with a bit of sass

Antonio Grant💀
-Mexican//White af
-15 turning 16
-10th grader
-Granada Hills
-Street smart
-Don't fuck with me

Anthony Grant☺️
-Mexican//white af
-15 turning 16
-9th grader
-Granada Hills
-Aspergers but smart as fuck
-Nicest guy ever

G ----👽
-No one knows(looks mixed tho)
-No one knows...
-Doesn't "do" school
-No one knows
-I guess
-Mysterious type of guy

Katherine "Kat" Wang💁🏽
-9th grader
-Yes, but doesn't show it.
-She can be nice, but will fight a hoe

Nikolette "Nikki"😜 Dimiyah "Miyah"😌
-White and blasian -White and blasian
-4 1/2 -4 1/2
-Kindergarten. -Kindergarten
-Compton -Compton
-Very -Very
-Sassy and crazy -Quiet and sarcastic

For tonightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora