My best friend died, What more could happen? Prologue

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I curled up in my bed thinking about that night. The night every thing changed. The night I wished I could forget, the night that was completely my fault. Closing my eyes, I saw it all as I had that night. I saw Catty walking towards me. Her blond hair was flowing in waves behind her, and I hooked arms with her, heard her say “Thanks for bringing me, Mary; you really are my best friend”. Her blue eyes flashed as she checked out the boys waiting for us. I could almost smell the booze on her breath as she whispered in my ear. “I call Luke.” I heard my laugh as I walked with her to the car I heard my voice telling her that she just owed me one. Luke, Sam, and Greg slid into the back seat. Two guys I do not know got into the front. I slid on to Greg’s lap and Catty slid on to Luke’s. I felt Greg’s arms wrap around my waist as he pulled the seat belt around me. I heard his voice in my ear whisper “You ready for the night of your life Mary?” I could hear my-self giggle nervously. I felt Catty reach over and take my hand squeezing it reassuringly. I had looked over at her and she had mouthed, “You’ll be fine”. I could still hear her laughing as Luke let his hands roam her body. I remember the driver looking back at us, at her, and laughing. I remember the smell of sweat and booze that filled the small car. I remember the headlights that nearly blinded me. I remember screaming as the car slid into the other lane. I remember the crunch of metal, the feeling of flying forward then back. I could still see Catty flying from Luke’s arms and hit the back of the drivers head. I remember people coming to the car and opening the doors. I could still hear Greg’s voice in my ear asking if I was ok. I remember screaming for Catty because I knew deep down that if she was ok so was I.I could still smell the blood now mixed with the smell of booze and sweat. I still felt Sam’s head flop into my lap. My throat was still raw from screaming. I could still see the empty look in the driver’s eyes. I felt the paramedic turn my face to him. I heard him asking he questions. What is my name? Where do I live? What are my friends’ names? Did I know the driver? I remember answering them. I asked him repeatedly, is Catty Ok? He did not answer. I blocked out all other memories of that night. I refused to go back to the emergency room. My minds eye fixed on Catty’s face the last time I saw it, before they zipped the body bag over it, her eyes closed blood covering her mouth and nose. Tears ran down my cheeks as I buried my face into my pillow, her words echoing in my head. “Thanks for bring me, Mary; you really are my best friend.” Repeatedly it played in my head until there was no way I would ever forget those words.

Mom banged on my door before opening it. “You’re going to your Aunt and Uncle’s.” She told me. “Maybe they will help bring you out of this. Help you forget.” She did not understand why I could not forget, why it was my fault, so now she was sending me away.

“Thanks for bringing me, Mary; you really are my best friend.”

This is the prologue for a new story I'm writing tell me what you think. Please vote and comment both are very appreciated

Lots of Love


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