Rules/How to enter

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Okay! so the fun part, rules.

1.) PLEASE! Follow all rules and guide lines

2.) No late entries! If the contest has ended please wait for the next contest to enter a story.

3.) Please don't PM us entries.

4.) Follow the topic and words minimum/maximum for each contest, yoy don't want to be disqualified.

5.) At the beginning of the story add your word count (be honest), your name (yes again XD), the title (yes add that AGAIN too XD), and the genre.

I think that's it!

Now, how to enter. there will be two ways!

You can send a link to your story to:

or if your lazy leave a link in the comments.

emails will be read first!

PLEASE leave a link! On mobile tap the share button then hit, copy link. On PC just copy it from your browser.

also, please don't PM our personal accounts with questions or entries, ask in emails or comments!


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