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As the sun sets tonight
Darkness hover all over me
None are visible to my eye sight
But the fireflies starting to be free.

Memories come flashing to my mind.
Bittersweet that is hard to forget
Feeling the pain which I cannot deny
Hoping you're dreading and start to regret.

I wish we could turn back and fix what is done
Like the good old days we used to share with.
Perfect moments hardly to believe we ever had
Which I think It's possible to relive it.

I have told myself I'll get over you.
But there's something inside me saying don't.
I have no idea why am I even listening too.
Maybe it's just me hoping it is you telling me not to.

Can I ask a permission for me to love you from afar?
Is it a sin to cry yet still manage to crack a smile?
Call me a masochist, I wont give a budge.
Seeing your happy face relieves me but still gives a prick to my heart.

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