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Sweggyplz was just going to random worlds when he found a drop game. He entered and saw a drop then he reported to @lokster and he exited the world, then he went to a shop world and bought 5 wls for 180 sugarcane seeds and then he got 2 angel wings etc; then he mad a world and dropped his stuff, covered them with dirt than he broadcasted( a lot was happening since the last chapter)and 34 people came in just a minute!! It was a wild party when they were screaming to buy the world. Eventually he settled on one persons offer which was 2 wls, 5 coins,1 birth certificate and 40 sugarcane seeds agter he sold his world zombies came in and started infecting everyone! Fortunately, Sweggyplz and the new owner used antidotes then the new owner said thx and sweggyplz said you're wlcome than left.

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