[ 11 ] Dos Antros

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[ 11 ] Dos Antros

Since Giovani and Jonathan knew better than us about clubs and partying, we let them lead the way. A strip of night clubs and bars were a ten minute walking distance from our hotel, but Giselle and I forced our dates to call a taxi. We didn't want to risk getting robbed at night, especially considering that both Jonathan and Giovani were world famous footballers, one of which would be participating at the summer olympics in the span of a few weeks.

Jona called a taxi and it arrived within minutes.

The driver made small conversation with us, mostly with Jona and Gio, talking to them about football. The two brothers kept the conversation going with excitement. Football was their lives, the one thing they loved doing more than anything else.

We were droppped off at the beginning of the strip in no more than five minutes. Jonathan paid the driver and we got off, Giovani grabbed my hand and dragged me down the sidewalk to a club he seemed to know well. Knowing him, he had probably been here before. The End of the Night was the name of the club and when we walked to the front of the line, the guard let us in without any questions. He probably recognized the two footballers we were with. 

The music was blaring and strobe lights were everywhere when we entered the club. Jona was the one who led us to one of the tables near the back. 

Giselle sat down at the booth first, with Jona sliding in next to her. Across the table from them were Giovani and I. Almost immediately, two men came to our table. One introduced himself as the owner of the bar. Greeting us with a smile, he said to the other person beside him, instructing him, "Make sure you take good care of Giovani and his friends." 

The bar tender nodded and the owner of the club walked off. "Will you get us a bottle of tequila and four glasses?" Giovani asked.

But Giselle raised her hand to stop the bar tender, yelling over the blaring music, "Actually, can you get me a cosmo? I'm not too much into tequila. Its way too strong." She crinkled up her nose as she spoke.

"The tequila was for a little contest to set the mood." Jona rolled his eyes at her.

"Can I just get a pina colada?" I spoke up. I had seen a poster advertising it at the entrance and it didn't look like it had alcohol.

"Get the girls their drinks, but also bring us the tequila." Giovani instructed.

The bartender nodded and walked off to get our drinks. When he was gone, Giovani grinned at all of us, "Who's up for a shots contest? Kam and I against you two." He said to his brother and my sister.

"You're on." Giselle and Jona said in unison.

The bartender returned with our drinks minutes later. A bottle of tequila, a bucket of ice, and four glasses, as well as my pina colada and Giselle's cosmo. Gio was the one who opened the bottle and served the glasses for us. 

My sister pushed her drink aside and I took a sip of mine. It had alcohol and it was strong, making me crinkle up my nose.

"You're such a child, Kam." Giovani teased.

His words made a blush creep onto my cheeks. "Shut up." I elbowed him.

When he handed me the shot of tequila, I pushed my other drink aside. As soon as he handed them to Jona and Giselle, they chugged the liquid down. I did the same and coughed back when I felt the liquid burn down my throat. Giovani soon followed, taking it easily. 

Our little game continued for a few more minutes. I was only able to down two shots before I was done. "I can't drink anymore." I coughed. At least not tequila. I knew there was a chance I could possibly finish my pina colada. 

Giovani took five shots, Jona drank four, and Giselle three. That left us in a draw. "Tell you what," Jona suggested, "If Kam drinks one more shot, you guys win."

"Come on, Kam." Giovani encouraged, filling my shot glass with alcoholic liquid.

But I was already beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. I grabbed the shot glass, observed it for a moment and drank it down while Giovani cheered for me. Giselle and Jona were quiet, hoping I wouldn't be able to drink it. But I forced myself, and my eyes watered because of the burning sensation in my throat.

"Well, we lost." Jona set his glass on the table with a clank. 

"Its your fault, Jona." Giselle complained.

But he ignored her words. Instead, he grabbed her hand and stood up, pulling her up with him. "Lets go, chiquitita. Baila conmigo." Dance with me.  

I noticed the way Giselle's eyes widened.

Jonathan hadn't called her that in a while. It was the nickname he had given her when they used to date. She let him lead her to the dance floor, leaving me alone to sit with Giovani. 

"Do you want to go dance?" Giovani asked me.

I shook my head in response, "I don't think I could stand upright." 

A smile formed on his lips. "I'll hold you tight."

Taking a sip from my pina colada, I almost spit out my drink when a fit of laughter came over me. There was no real reason for my laughter, all I knew was that I needed to laugh.

"Ah," Gio observed, "You're a happy drunk."

"Why..." I slurred, pointing my index finger at him. "Why is it that you drank more than me and you're fine? Explain to me, Giovani. I'd like to know."

"Because..." He started. His hand reached over the table to grab my drink. He wanted to take it from me, and I slapped his hand away. "This is your first time drinking. You have a lower alcohol tolerance than I do."

I pouted. "That's unfair."

While Jonathan and Giselle were on the dance floor, Giovani made conversation with me. In that time, he had ordered a beer to drink. I spent my time laughing ans asking him stupid questions which he answered with much patience. 

I had just finished my pina colada drink when I felt like the contents of my stomach were coming back up. Covering my mouth with one hand, I pushed Giovani with the other. He was blocking me inside the booth and I needed to get to the toilet. His eyes widened when he noticed I was on the verge of throwing up. He tried to slide out of the booth, but he wasn't fast enough and I leaned over him, throwing up all over the floor.

I threw up several times until I felt my throat was raw from all the acid in my stomach.

And Giovani said nothing about it. 

When or bartender noticed the mess on the floor, he left to get the manager. He told us we had to leave the club because of the mess I had made. 

Gio waved Jona and Giselle over and they knew something was wrong when they saw me leaning me head on Giovani's shoulder, my eyes half closed and my face red and blotchy. Then they saw the vomit on the floor and they knew it was mine.

Giovani got up and helped me up, out of the booth. He wrapped an arm around me waist and led me out of the club, half carrying me. On our way out, the security guard drew x's on the back of our hands with black marker to ensure we wouldn't be allowed back in the bar. But that also meant they wouldn't let us into the other clubs.

"I'm sorry I got us kicked out..." I slurred, rubbing my teary eyes.

"Don't worry, Kam." Jona said to me.

"We can go to the clubs tomorrow." Giovani reassured me.

"The Dos Antros brothers will strike again." I said, laughing at my own joke.

On the taxi back to our hotel, I fell asleep, and I didn't wake up until the very next morning.


ayeeee, an update for this story because im feeling inspired with all my stories. thank you all loads for reading and voting. it means a lot. 

i love youuu.

-clary xx

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