17 | don't fuck with destiny your ass is mine.

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*Arin's POV*
The game had gone on through the second half, and the score was 7-4, Joey, Luc, Cameron and Layton all scoring once more.

We ended up beating one of the biggest competitors for us, the first game of the season. You could say we were off to a good start.

Not that it mattered much, since we had already practically won, but we had 2 penalty shots after the actual gameplay. Layton executed one of the best bends into the top right corner that I've ever seen a high schooler do, and I'm sure the scouts that were here didn't make it go unnoticed. But I sure as hell wouldn't let him know that little piece of information, his ego was already too big for me to deal with already,

It was Luc's turn for the penalty shot, and he looked really fidgety. Even from where I was sitting, I could tell that he was incredibly nervous by the way he was biting his lip and fiddling with his hands. He always got incredibly nervous in moments like this, and it probably didn't help that there were scouts watching him like a hawk, determining his future and wether or not to ruin his life. The thing is with Luc and penalty shots, was that he never got them. The nerves had always gotten to him, and I've never seen him actually make it in. The shot would either miss by very little, or he wouldn't make it curve enough, completely going out of the way. He had good reason to be worried now though, we all knew that it wasn't likely for him to make it in, and scouts were watching for the most skillful players. He looked up into the crowd, and I had met his gaze. I smiled reassuringly, and sent waves of 'you got this' messages to him telepathically. I knew that it didn't work that way, but he smiled back and didn't look as tense anymore.

The referee(who happened to be another blind one) blew his whistle, and Luc took the shot, but surprisingly faked a kick as the goalie already dodged in expectation. Once the goalie was on the ground, he took an easy kick into the goal.(number 9 in the video, watch it's pretty cool).

The crowd cheered, and I instantly ran down onto the field, not too far away. I basically jumped onto Luc's back, hugging from behind.

"You just scored your first penalty!" I said excitedly, as he let me down and we faced each other. I was basically grinning, because I was really happy for him, showing the scouts how good of a player he was even with the nerves piled up against him.

"I got those 'don't worry, you've got this' messaged you sent, it was in your expression. Thanks Arin, you really calmed me down for a bit," he smiled.

"You're definitely gonna be asked to tryout, I'm so happy for youuuu!" I hugged him again.

"Thanks A," he squeezed me tightly.

"Breathing.. problems...." I chocked out before he quickly released his grip on me.

"Sorry.. Forgot you're like 50 pounds," he laughed.

"90! And I'm growing.." I defended.

{Before y'all get all cranky and shit for her being 90 pounds, please keep in mind that in this story, she's 5'1, so for her height that's actually a really normal weight, I would know, I'm 5'1 and have a small bone structure.}

"Yeah, whatever shrimp," he laughed and walked away. I never got why people called me shrimp, I mean yeah I got that it meant that I was small and all, but I kept reminding them that I was allergic to shrimp and they just keep laughing in my face.

Without my rant on shrimp continuing, a pair of hands wrapped around my torso and I felt whoever it was's breath on my neck.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes or something, I don't know.. I just can't take them off you."

It was Layton, no doubt. His unmistakable deep, musky voice could be heard even through his whispering. Oh, and the Fuckboy attitude that goes with it made it that much clearer to me.

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