37 | he so loves her

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Arin's POV
Getting out of the car as Layton opened the door for me, my feet pressed against the cement and I reached back into the passenger side for my school bag. About to sling it over my shoulder, Layton takes it from me and shuts the door to his Ferrari 458.

"I can carry that on my own, it's not even heavy," I roll my eyes.

"I know you can carry it but so can I," he said simply and began walking towards the school.

I followed, and the multiple looks from everyone didn't go unnoticed. Once we were in the hallway, everyone's attention panned towards us and muffled whispers erupted from every direction, some even openly pointing at me.

I quickly stepped to Layton's side, and he put his arm around my waist reassuringly.

"Don't pay any attention to them, people are gonna talk either way so just ignore them as much as you can," he said in a low voice.

"I know, thanks," I smiled a genuine smile towards him as we walked down the hall to my locker together.

"Here, I have to go put some books in my locker, I'll be back in a few," he said just as we arrived at my locker and he handed me my backpack. I smiled a thanks and he disappeared into the crowded hallway in the direction of his locker.

Putting in the combination to open the lock, I then unzip my bag and take out books I won't need until the end of the day, and grab the ones I need now out of my locker.

Shutting my locker and closing my bag, I turn around and decide to wait for Layton. I can't help but notice a group of guys, some juniors and seniors, looking from one of the guy's phone's to me, no doubt the photoshoot pictures.

They were far away, but close enough for me to tell that they were checking me out and making jokes.

Suddenly, their eyes widened and they hushed their probably sexual jokes.

"Have something to say?" I heard a voice say from behind me, and I soon realized that it was Layton's.

"It's fine, people are gonna talk," I whispered over to him and put my hand on his arm trying to calm him down.

"Not if I can say anything about it," he tells me before getting out of my grip. "I don't wanna see anyone talking shit about Arin's or Alia's pictures or you'll have to deal with me, understood?" He yelled out which hushed everyone's conversations in the hallway out of fear. Everyone nodded and moved on throughout the hallway towards their next class. "Let's get to class?" He asked calmly.

I laughed softly before intertwining our hands and beginning to walk down the hall towards our AP-calc class.

"You honestly didn't have to do that, it didn't bother me much," I said.

"Yeah, well it bothered me, what if someone said something about the pictures and you heard? Then it would've bothered you and I'm just here to make sure that that doesn't happen," he kissed the top of my forehead from his height and we rounded a corner to see Alia and Josh by his locker. Alia was laughing about something that Josh said, no surprise, he's always making jokes about something, and he was just leaning back against his locker with a smile on his face, looking at her.

"He so loves her, it's adorable," I 'awed' in my head as I admired the two from afar.

"Yeah but does she love him?" Layton asked, pulling me to his side by wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Of course she does, as a friend at least.. Whenever I'd want to ask her about him, she always changes the subject," I sigh, leaning back against the locker wall sideways.

"They'd be cute together, I can see it happening," he said as we observed them hopelessly flirting with each other.

The bell rang and Layton walked beside me as we went to our class.

"So, um.." He started as we took our seats in the back of the class.

I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I got scouted for going to state.." He bit his lip anxiously awaiting my reaction.

"Oh my god, really?! That's so great!" I exclaimed, then realized how loud I was being in the semi-quiet classroom and quickly hushed myself.

"Yeah, it is.. but they want me to go up to Auburn for 2 weeks to their academy offices, I'd get to take my pick and train with whatever team I want.. If I even go," he said nonchalantly.

"Of course you're going! What the hell is wrong with you?" I hit his arm in hopes to get his mind working straight again.

"Well that's 2 weeks Arin, that's a long time.. if they like me I'd have to stay longer...."

"Don't stay for me, I'm not letting you give something this big up just to stay here with me, that's stupid. I'll be here when you get back," I smiled and he gave me an unsure look.

"I'll think about it.." He mumbled in hopes of me not hearing.

"You don't have anything to think about, this is such a big opportunity that you have to take, and it's not even that long of a time away. I'll come up on the weekends with the guys and Alia and we'll hang out then," I reassured.

He contemplated it for a short while, then finally gave in with a sigh.

"Alright.. But I'm not missing your birthday. I'll take time off for a few days next week for that."

"Ugh. My birthday. I don't even know if I wanna do anything for that.." I bit my lip unsurely.

"What do you mean? You're turning 18, you have to do something. And if you or anyone else doesn't plan anything, I will." He said firmly.

"I've never been really big on birthdays.. I mean yeah, I'm gonna be 18, but it's still just another birthday."

"No, it's your birthday, and I'm absolutely gonna plan something so you don't have to worry about that now," he smiled cheekily, and I just rolled my eyes, but a small smile formed on my face.

"You don't ever give up, do you?" I laughed lightly.

"Never on you, princess," he winked before turning his attention to the lesson being taught in the front of the classroom.

I shook my head and laughed before doing the same.

What is this boy doing to me?

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