| Chapter 2 |

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| Clubs Deuce |

"So, kid. Why're here?"

Deuce exhaled deeply, releasing some of the tension that drifted in the air. He knew that no one could've known the reason why they were so tense with Amparos in the room. Slick obviously was angry, instead of tense, which could've been a good notion.

If Slick wasn't tense, I guess that means nothings wrong.

Slick's gut feelings, even though he won't admit it, were quite accurate most of the time and Deuce tended to trust that, especially when it's with things he didn't quite understand.

"Nothin's wrong with me, I'll tell you that. The people that have somethin' wrong here is you, you over-dramatic mongrel!"

Eric declared quite wildly at Slick. Deuce would've been slightly surprised, but he knew beforehand about what kind of stuff was bothering the kid. With a parent like Amparos, and a condition like that, the kid had every right to be a little upset.

"Shut your fucki--"


Deuce sighed deeply. Ms. Paint was the one who seemed to omit the most anger out of everyone.

I'd imagine, since Amparos did insult her... Man, we haven't had a parent so troublesome since Marina's...

Ms. Paint's knuckles were a deathly white, whilst her eyes were burning maliciously, like a wildfire consuming an arid forest. Despite her short stature, her presence filled the room like death clinging to a dying man and her anger seeped through every crack and crevice of the room. A cold chill ran down Deuce's back.

Scary as always, Ms. Paint...

"I know you're angry, and I'm as sure as hell that everyone else is too, but give Eric some bloody space for crying out loud!" Ms. Paint had grabbed Slicks collar, pulling him down to see her in the eyes, "You got it?"

With careful retreat and a flurry of mumbled words, Slick slunk back to lean against wall, lighting a cigarette as he did.

And what's ironic is that he's smoking right next to the 'no smoking' sign.

He took a long drag of the cigarette, making Deuce cringe a little. He wasn't a large fan of smoking, or smoke in general as it tended to hurt his throat and lungs, plus it stung his eyes. Deuce looked over to Ms. Paint, to see that she calmed down and was conversing, even laughing childishly nicely with Eric. He smiled a little.

At least he's getting some nice treatment, despite his outburst. Poor kid. Let's just hope he's going to get along nicely with the others...

He glanced over to the pastel-coloured file cabinet, the only one that was different from the others in the office. It held a collection of worn-out and dangerous case files. Each and every stain that the Institue had inflicted and received.

Yeah, I really hope so...


| Jade Harley |

Childish laughter rang throughout the hallway, travelling like pixies dancing. The cold shoulders of concrete walls, layered with a soft but thick blanket of cushioning, stood unmoving, never changing as the sound bounced bluntly against them.

The now soft sound made its way to the ears of a child, whispering it's secrets into her mind. The child nodded as if she understood the tongue of happiness, and dismissed the small chore that she had previously occupied herself with.

"That's the last of them! The last! I guess it's now time to continue with my quest, right? Yeah! I gotta find Echidna and make the deal and help everyone one!" She clutched a small plush, one that resembled a small dog. It's eyes were ripped out, presumably after she had received the plush.

"But first, I gotta say happy birthday! I wonder if John got what I gave him? I hope he likes it!"

She began to play with small toys that looked like multicoloured squids, which she claimed to be called squiddles. In her opinion, they were incredibly cute, coming in all different fabrics and varieties.

In reality, they were just coloured balls of string, with two black beads hanging loosely from pieces of string.

She never needed to see the truth anyway. She never needed to. She saw what she needed to see and what needed to be done.

After all, she'd always return to the golden city, no matter what. And that was something that'll never change.

Hello! o(`ω' )o

I hope you liked this chapter, even though this chapter is much shorter ( i _ i )

( ' ▽ ' )ノ as always this chapter is meant to have been edited, so if there are any mistakes please inform me! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Anyways, see you!


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