Chapter 2

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As soon as I open my dorm door, Lonnie runs up to me and bombards me with questions. "What were you doing talking to Carlos? Did he hurt you? I swear, I'm going--" 

"Lonnie, I'm fine.  He just bumped into me and just asked me about Beast's statue.  I'm fine." I laughed at her worried face.  Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan, and she is just like her, putting others before themselves and not thinking twice about anything.

"I'm just gonna go to bed.  I've had a long day."  I grabbed my pajamas and walked around the divider in the room to change.

"Um, Ella, it's only four in the afternoon."  Lonnie said as she opened the door, "Just wanted to let you know.  I'm going to the library."  She walked out and I just pulled my hair into a messy bun and slipped on my slippers and a headband.

"Is it really?"  I asked myself, glancing at the clock to reassure myself.  It was.  I sighed and sat on my bed.  I wasn't even actually tired, I just needed to cool off.  Or warm up, I guess.  I grabbed my journal out of my bedside table and unlocked it.  I usually only write in this when I'm stressed or angry, and today has been a huge mixture of both.

I don't know how long I wrote for, but when I looked up, Lonnie was standing at the end of my bed with her arms crossed, an arched eyebrow, and a tapping foot.

"I know you, Arrendale.  What happened to make you this stressed?"  Lonnie sat on my bed and I just continued to write.

"Nothing, I just felt like writing."  I lied, and when I finished my last sentence, I quickly shut and locked my journal.  To be safe, I froze the lock.

"Okay, that's just insulting.  You know I would never read your journal, Elaina."  Lonnie rolled her eyes and playfully glared at me.

"Just taking precautions.  How was the library?"  I needed to take the attention off of me as fast as possible, I couldn't let anything accidentally slip.

"Like any other time I've been; quiet and boring.  Although, that new girl Mal was there, looking in the old spellbooks.  Did you know she had powers?"

"No one has powers, besides me and my mom.  She's probably just curious about Fairy Godmother's wand.  She kept mentioning it earlier."  I put my journal in the bedside table drawer and took off my slippers.

"But her mom has powers, wouldn't they have been passed down to her?  It just doesn't make any sense--"

"Not now, Lonnie.  I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep.  Night."  I put my comical "Sleeping Beauty" sleep mask over my eyes and shut off my bedside lamp.  I snuggled under the covers and turned towards the wall.  I was done talking.

"Night, Grumpy.  You sure you're not related to Doug?"


"Ella!  Wake up!  The boys are going to be on the field in thirty minutes!"  Lonnie shook my shoulder as she yelled in my ear.

"Get off of me!"  I laughed and shot snow in her face.  I pulled up my sleep mask and threw a smile her way.  Regarding boys, Lonnie was nothing like her mom.  She was just as boy-crazy as Snow White, who fell for the fist guy that talked to her.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!  I want to watch them warm up!"  I groaned and laid back down, holding a pillow over my face.

"Can't you just go without me?"  I said, but it probably came out completely muffled.  

"Just get your princess butt up and let's go!"  I groaned and threw the blankets off of me, grabbing a random dress, my leather jacket, and my gloves and headband tiara, and headed behind the divider and changed.  I sat at my vanity and put on my daily makeup and jewelry, and I finished clasping my necklace around my neck when Lonnie grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the door.

Falling for the De Vil || Carlos De Vil *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now