Oh my lord

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Tiana's POV

I woke up from my stupid alarm clock



I'm running behind, fuck!!

I hurried out of bed and changed quickly into matching lingering and put on my grey tights and threw on a top

I put on my black pumps and grabbed my purse which I thanked myself that all my stuff that I need is there


I need to leave now!


I arrived to the bar / strip club right on time! I jogged towards the entrance and towards the dressing room

Running in heels was like a breeze because you gotta be skilled like me!


"Right on time Tiana" Jules replied chuckling at me

"Oh my lord I know right!" I sighed dramatically and laughing

Doing my makeup, my boss mark came "Tiana! Just the girl I've been looking for" mark replied rubbing his hands together

"Yes ?" I chuckled at him "could you stay a bit longer tonight and for the rest of your schedule like an hour longer ? That goes for you too Jules, I'll give you a raise ?!"

Me and Julie looked at each other with a knowing answer like mind reading and replied with a loud "YES!!" We yelled giggling

"Alright thanks so much ladies!" Mark hugged us quickly "now get your asses out there!" He yelled pretending to be stern but failed

Dumb ass lol


I stepped out to the stage and started swaying my hips sexily as I walked down the isle

I started touching myself, looking around at the crowd and a certain someone caught my eye at the bar sipping beer I assume


Ugh ! Like honestly could he leave me alone ?!

He smirked as he noticed my focus was on him, I turned my gaze and walked back to the center giving them a good view of my round ass

Jules came and started a heated make out session with me while touching me

It surprised me but went along with it immediately, she picked me up as I wrapped my legs around her waist continuing our session

We finally pulled away and smirked at the crowd as they had their full  attention on us

I look to see Justin looking at me shocked but had jealousy too? Wonder why but yet again I don't care

Julie left and walked around off the stage and I did the same "hey! Can I get one right here ?!" I hear a male voice ask and I turned to see a young attractive man looking at me

He was cute but not my type

"Sure" I smirked walking towards him and leaned down him seeing him putting money in my breast stuffing them in my bra

I started swaying my hips and dancing on him a bit, he tried to touch me but I swatted his hand away as he looked at me confused "ah ah ah, no touchy" I smirked and wiggled my finger from side to side

As I continued, I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm and yanked me away from the guy

"Yo! What the fuck ?!" I turned to look at the one person who could've obviously would've done it, justin

"Justin ! What the hell ?!" I asked angry "you know this fag?" The guy I was giving a lap dance asked chuckling

"Me ? A fag ? Ha! You obviously need to check yourself and check closely" Justin shot back laughing at him clearly not fazed by the rude remark he got

The guy got up getting to Justin's face, he was tall but justin was a few inches taller then him

"Listen here bitch! You wanna fight?!" The guy asked obviously pissed

Justin chuckled "calm down little boy, no need to throw a fit" the guy took a swing at justin but he dodged it and pushed him hard that he tumbled on the table near him and fell

Oh my lord ..

Security came and picked up the guy I never got his name and asked for justin to leave

He refused but left because he was threaten if he didn't leave he wasn't aloud back

God he's a stubborn ass


After that everything was cool, I walked out with Jules as we were having a funny conversation

"It was funny be-because he was all confident and when he showed it- it- it was the size of this!!" Julie held up her pinky and I was cracking up so bad!

"Oh my god Jules, we have to hang or something more often" I chuckled wiping the tear in the corner of my eye from laughing to hard

"Yeah" Julie chuckled "how about tomorrow?" "Yeah I'll text you" I smiled and gave her her a hug

But was interrupted with a cough

We pulled away to see justin with a bored face "god Tiana I thought you'd be done with work" he checked his watch "an hour ago!" Justin replied dramatically

"You talk to the! Justin Bieber ?! I thought you didn't like him" Julie asked surprised "not like me? Please, she's my girlfriend" justin smirked wrapping his arms around me

"Really ?!" Julie asked really surprised and Justin replied "ye-" but I cut him off "NO! Not even close ! He's basically my stalker" I said grossed out pulling myself away from justin

Julie chuckled "well okay, I'm gonna head home now, I'm exhausted" "okay bye, me too" I chuckled walking away heading our separate ways

"Hey! What about me ?!" Justin yelled jogging next to me wrapping an arm around me

"I'm tired justin, I wanna sleep" I whined "then let me come and spend the night and by the way, I don't use the word stalking I prefer admiring" justin replied flirting a bit

"Shut up" I chuckled

"So I can spend the night ?!" Justin asked for the like BILLIONTH time!! "God justin, you don't even have spare clothes " I pointed out

Justin huffed and replied "what ever, I will next time" "okayyy" I laughed extending the Y

God I'm tired ..


Well ?! ❤️

Sorry if mistakes were made!


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