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Tiana's POV

Ding ...

Ding ..

Ding ...

I groaned as I got yet another text , I unlocked my phone and looked to see who could possibly be texting me at 10 o'clock in the freaking morning !

Hey gorgeous ;)

Are you awake ? Because I was gonna ask if you'd like to hang with me for lunch ?

It's Justin btw babe 😘

What the fuck ?

I texted back

(Tiana - T , Justin - J)

T - how the fuck did you get my number ?! Stalker ! -_-

J - I am not a stalker ! I just have my ways baby ;)

T - whatever .. Stalker ! Lol

J - shut up ! But anyways what about that lunch ? :)

T- nah, I'm good . You creep me out now to think of it if you got my number , bye !!

J - be ready in 20

(End of convo)

I didn't listen to him so I ignored the text and got up and put on my fuzzy slippers and my big blanket

and walked to the living room and decided to watch to tv

20 minutes passed by and my stomach started to growl meaning in hungry

Just on cue my door bell rung

Who would be knocking on my door ? I groaned loudly and yelled " who is it ?!" And they didn't answer

Wow okay ..

I groaned louder and walked to the door from my comfy spot

"What the hell do yo-" and I cut off myself as I see Justin "hello to you too sweetheart" Justin chuckled

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my couch and laid on my back sighing in comfort

"What do you want Bieber ?" I replied looking at him as Justin took a seat on the couch across from me "I told you to he ready like" and he checked his watch

"Twenty minutes ago !" "Yeah and I told you I wasn't interested" I smirked and Justin chuckled "please baby, I always get what I want and I'll take you out even if your dressed like that" Justin smirked

And I looked down on what I was wearing and I was wearing a big T-shit and underwear under

"One , you have one flaw about 'you always getting what you want' because you don't have me" I smirked "and second fine let me change real quick"

I stated standing and walki-


I stopped and turned quickly glaring at Justin "did you just smack my butt ?!" "Indeed I did smack your beautiful ass" Justin smirked

"Then I change my mind and I want you out of my house !" I smirked crossing my arms

Justin's face was shocked and frantic " what ?! No ! Please I'm sorry!" Justin kept pleading "Ya callate !!" I shut him up

(* Ya callate is a Spanish word to shut up btw to let you guys know lol *)

"I'll go with you just stop!" I groaned "Wait !! I have a question " Justin asked making money noises like 'ooo' 'ooo' 'ooooo !!!'

I chuckled, dumbass ..

"Yes ?" I asked raising my eyebrows towards him to continue "what does that mean what you said ?" Justin asked confused "it means shut up , now let me change so we can get this day over with" I said walking to my room

Justin was mumbling words which I couldn't catch. I quickly turned on my straightener and set my makeup on my makeup table

I walked towards my closet and changed into leggings and a white and black Aztec shirt

I quickly did my makeup witch was eyeliner mascara and blush, I don't like a lot of makeup because I don't want to look like cake face or a clown. Lol

I straightened my hair and when I was done I walked to the living room to see Justin on his phone

I coughed getting his attention "god you took forever !!" And I checked my phone and laughed at Justin " it's been 20 minutes" "yeah yeah" Justin mumbled and we left outside after I locked my door

"Where are we going ?" I asked curiously "it's a surprised" Justin winked and I groaned " I hate surprises !!" And Justin chuckled at me 

I mumbled "what ever" and we drove to god knows where

After fifteen minutes we arrived at IHOP and my eyes lit up "oh my god ! I love IHOP !!!" Justin laughed at me "good" he smirked and he got out and opened my door for me

"What a gentlemen" I chuckled at him looking into his eyes as he did the same "thank you ma'lady" Justin tried to say it in a british accent "fail !" I laughed

As we walked inside and waited in line, Justin wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I just let him rest his arm there

Wow I can't believe I'm actually having a good time with Bieber , call me crazy now

"Hello table for two I'm guessing ?" The annoying girl who looks like she just got out of high school asked

No we need a table for one thousand because the people from narnia are joining us

"Excuse me ?!" The girl asked glaring at me and I looked to see Justin trying not to laugh

"Did I say that out loud ?" I asked confused but giggled that I did "yes, yes you did" Justin finally laughed

"Right this way" the girl glared at me but smiled and gave a flirting wink to Justin

This perra makes me laugh

(* Perra means bitch, but it also means dog so perra is a bitch and bitch is a dog 😂 *)

As we seated the perra asked "can I start with you off with drinks ?" She said giving her full attention to Justin and forgot I was even here

"I'd like regular lemonade" Justin said not giving her any looks like he isn't interested because he isn't

"And I liked lemonade also but a raspberry lemonade" I fakely smiled at her getting her attention and she said 'okay' and walked off

"Looks like she clearly wants you bieber" I smirked "really ? I didn't notice but if I did I'm not interested because she's too fake" Justin simply said "and because i already have a girlfriend and I don't want to get my girlfriend jealous either" Justin smirked looking at me

"Really ?! Who is she ? Maybe I could meet her one day" I replied sarcastically "ha ha ha ms. Alcala" Justin sarcastically laughed and used my last name

"How do you know my la-" he cut me off "like I said before babe, I have my ways" he winked

I was going to reply but a too familiar voice cut me off "hello I'll be your waiter for today and here are your dri- tiana ?!" The guy said

I turned to see someone I haven't expected to see and made me change my whole mood completely

"Nick.." I said gritting my teeth as I said his name


Dun dun dun..

What will Justin think ?! Lol

Sorry if I made mistakes and sorry again I didn't update soon !!

My apologies !

But i'd like hear what you guys think of this update if you want ?!


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