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It all started about a year ago. Me and my friend, doing best friend things. Until one day, he decided to be a total dick. Me and Tyler (m best friend decided to go to the river and swim. So we was just swimming around, Tyler saw a snake on a tree. “Hey man. Let’s go fuck with that snake!” me being all into nature and stuff, I say “nah, that’s a cotton mouth!” he gets out of the river and starts throwing sticks at it. The snake falls out of the tree and bites Tyler on the face. And Tyler dropped to the ground and just lays there

The snake dropped and slithered into the water and I started swimming to Tyler, because cotton mouths are deadly. But right as I get close to the bank I feel a sharp pinch on my calf. “No, it did not just bite me to!” as I walk out of the water, I see the bite. My face turned red with fear. I started limping my way to Tyler before his life let go of him. But my vision was going blurry, and I was getting dizzy.  I tried to force y self to keep going. But the poison was getting to me fast and I feel to the sand and passed out.

About two hours later I came to and I saw Tyler sitting against a tree, the first thing to run through my mind is “thank god were still alive!” I got up and dusted myself off and walked to Tyler. “Hey man you alright?” I asked, he just sat there. He looked up at me and his face was really swollen and different colors. I stepped back. “Man we need to get you to the hospital!” I told him. Then I noticed his eyes were different. He had snake eyes. And right when I noticed they went back to normal. I shook it off thinking I was just paranoid from my bite.

Me and Tyler went home and I kept thinking about what I saw. His eyes, his face, and the evil look he had. I tried to call him, I tried to text him. But he wasn’t giving me any feedback. So after a couple of days I decided to go to him. As I walked up to his house, I got a really bad vibe from his area. I knocked on the door. But no one came, so I knocked again. No one was opening the door so I started to walk away, but just as I did, I smelled a really horrible smell in the house.

So I walked back up and tried to open the door, but nothing. So I pulled out my ID and opened it with that. As I walked in, I saw Tyler’s mom on the kitchen floor, dead! I ran over to her. She was beat up and had snake bites on her. I thought to myself “no” I ran to Tyler’s room and his little brother and sister was laying on the floor dead, they looked the same as there mom.

As I stood up I saw Tyler standing in the door way “Tyler, what the fucks have you done?” right as I asked that, I saw it. I saw his eyes again! But they were not his regular eyes. They were the snake eyes again! I slowly walked to Tyler, “are you okay?” I softly asked him. He just stared at me. He opened his mouth and these two snake fangs grew out. “Tyler, what are you doing?” he closed his mouth and mumbled “why didn’t you stop me?” I look puzzled “stop you from what?” he put his head down “from fucking with the snake.”

I walked over to him and said “you are your own man. I can’t stop you from doing anything!” he looked back up at me. “You got bit too though! Why aren’t you like this?” I shook my head “I don’t know Tyler, but what’s done is done” he looked at me and his eyes changed back to his snake eyes and he went to strike at me. I kicked him away from me. Before I knew it, he was back in front of me! This isn’t the Tyler I know. He was abnormally fast, Like a snake. I punched him in the mouth; he shook it off and tackled me to the floor.

I grabbed Tyler and threw him off of me, as he got back up to his feet, and ran and kicked him in the gut. He tripped and fell out of his window. He got up and looked at me and said “this is not over, I will see you later Kevin.” And ran into the woods. What happened to Tyler, why is he like this? But I can’t let him hurt anyone else. I have to stop him!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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