The "bump

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We arrived at the airport looking forwards to a 10 hour long flight.
Yes , i know , It will take forever to get there and i probably will die of boredom. But the fact that my dream would come true kept me up the whole time. I was just so excited !
"Bella" my sister said askingly.
"What do you think will happen in L.a"
"I don't know , but i have a feeling that it will be good." I smiled
After that my sister fell asleep and i was looking out of the window. I was thinking about what could happen. Maybe i will meet one of my idols. Maybe i will get rich. Maybe my mom will be her old self again.Maybe i will find true love....

After the longest flight of my life of 10 hours which seemed like 3 years , we finally arrived.

We arrived at the hotel and i unpacked my stuff . I ran to the window and looked at the view. I opened it and took in a deep breath to smell the air of Los angeles. Words couldn't describe my happiness.

Next morning

I woke up and ran into my parents room.
"MUM , mum what are we doing today?"
"We will go for a little walk and explore this place how about that?"
"Sounds awesome"

When i stepped out of the hotel i honestly didn't know where to go first.
My mum simply started walking and i just followed her.
We went past such amazing buildings and so many beautiful things. I was loving it.
My mum stopped and asked for directions and obviously it turned out as a long conversation which my dad had the urge to join and make it even longer.
I was so bored i felt like falling asleep , by the look on my sisters face i could tell she felt the same.

I was just standing there thinking "Omg can we just go ,we came to explore not to have boring talks with strangers" But sadly i couldn't say that. So i just stood there hoping they would finish soon.

I was waiting , and waiting , until i heard screams . It wasn't the type of "help , or , I'm hurt" screams . It was like when you watch crazy fans on youtube screaming for celebrities. And i thought thats what it was. Maybe there was a celebrity here. My heart started to pound.I obviously wanted to find out what it was. But my parents clearly didn't.
I didn't want to waste this opportunity of meeting a star.
I wanted to find a way to sneak out and go there. But then i felt sorry for my sister. She would be extremely jealous and i understand because i wouldn't be so happy if she would meet a celebrity without me.
"Tiaira" i whispered to my sister
"Yes Bella?" She looked sleepy and i wasn't surprised.
"Come follow me"
"Wait , where"
"Would you rather stay here then ?"
She looked up at my parents talking and looked back at me and without hesitation she came close to me and followed.

We knew we were close because the screams were so loud and we even heard those paparazzi cameras click.
We saw a crowd of teenage girls screaming their heads off. I didn't want to go there and my sister didn't , we wouldn't be able to get through that crowd anyways. So i just said
"Come this way"
We went past a toy shop and my sister wanted to stop.
"Come on what are you doing?"
"I want this!" She said pointing at a horse toy
I did have money with me and i didn't want to make her scream and cry like she always does when we don't buy her what she wants.
I handed her 15$
"There , go buy it yourself , you are old enough . Anyways I'm going to go that way . Im going to be back in less than 8 minutes ok . Just stay inside of the shop and don't move"
"Ok but promise you will come back"
"I promise"
She went inside the shop and i continued walking.

I went past a long wall that had a alleyway at the end. I kept walking when suddenly while i was in front of the alleyway someone bumped into me from the alleyway and i fell on the ground.
"Ouch!" I screamed up.
"Im so sorry dear are you all right ?" A mans voice said as he was pulling me up from the ground.
"Agh i think so" i said with one hand on my forehead"
"Did i hurt you ?" He asked
He seemed friendly , and ... So familiar.
"No i don't think you did" then i took my hand away from my forehead and there was a little purple bruise on it . You could barely see it but it still hurt.
"I am really sorry , Should i call a doctor?" He said as he was looking deep into my eyes .
This whole time i was looking at the ground so when i finally looked up and into his eyes, i knew who he was.
"Wait , I know you! Your Ha--"
"Shhhhh" he said covering my mouth .
I quickly took his hand away from your mouth and looked at him.
"I don't want people to gather around and especially not the paparazzi"
I was never a fan of Harry styles , Infact i didn't really like him at all.
"Well ... Im fine now so bye"
"Wait , no , i need to make sure you are alright"
"No thank you , you've done enough"
"You seem annoyed"
"Its just that i don't really like you"
My sister always liked him and one direction so much . Maybe thats why i didn't.
"Oh well ... Im sad to hear that"
He was staring at me as if he would be amazed or something.
"So ....? Can you let me go?" I said as he was still holding me without noticing.
He let go in nervousness.
"Sorry i didn't notice"
He was looking at the floor , then looked up deep into my eyes and smiled at me.
"OH NO"i screamed up
"What happened"
"MY SISTER !! I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO BACK FOR HER!! I have to go Thanks for erm ... Trying to help ?"
"Wait !" He said loudly as i was starting to walk.
"Whats your name?"
"Im Bella" i screamed as i looked back while jogging

I kept walking and looked back once more to see that he was still standing there looking at me. After seconds he was surrounded by fangirls and paparazzis.
"Typical" i thought "he only does it for the cameras"

I arrived at the shop to see my sister sitting there waiting. I ran up to her and hugged her saying
"Oh my gosh Tiaira I'm so sorry are you angry at me?"
"Oh no, you came just in time"
"We better go back to mum and dad"

We both started running back to see that they were ( not surprisingly ) still taking but this time there was another person there aswell.
We stood casually next to them like nothing happened.
"Bella" my sister asked
"Whats that on your forehead"
I didn't want to tell her what happened, her or anyone must never know what happened.
"Oh i walked into a lamppost"
"I see ...."

We walked back to our hotel and i went to my room.
Today was absolutely incredible. Apart from the fact that Harry bumped into me. I just don't like him, i think he acts up for the cameras. Well he is just another famous person.

It was the end of another crazy day.

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